Looking skeptical of her bee antennae
Working // On Halloween costumes for Emma and Charlotte! Emma is going to be a ladybug and Charlotte will be a bumblebee. They are both pretty simple and will be the least handmade of any costumes thus far. Part of me is a little bummed about that, but I know this way will be easier. And they’ll be super cute no matter what!
Considering // A new computer. I’ve mentioned this on-and-off for at least a year now, since my 2008 iMac is nearing the point of being unusable. Option 1 is a new iMac. Option 2 is a new MacBook Pro. And option 3 is a Mac Mini plus external monitor. I actually like having a desktop at home, but I’m actually leaning towards the Mac Mini option instead of another iMac. A monitor would last basically indefinitely, and in the future I’d only have to upgrade the computer from time to time. (This is also the cheapest option.) But I don’t know anyone who’s ever had a Mac Mini. I assume they work just fine?
Recovering // From Emma’s first class field trip yesterday. I say “recovering” jokingly since the field trip was a lot of fun — but it also was pretty darn hectic with 30 kids + teachers + at least 20 parents. (Jose and I were debating whether it would be more or less crazy without the parents. I’m still not sure.) We went to Froberg’s for their corn maze and fall festival. Jose rode the bus with Emma which she LOVED, and Charlotte and I met them there. I wore Charlotte in the Ergo which worked out really well except for the fact that it was a pretty warm day. With Charlotte on my chest and in the cocoon-like newborn insert to boot, we both turned into a sweaty mess within minutes of being in the sunshine. She was a trooper though! And Emma had a great time with her friends!
Wondering // Whether I have enough time to make a quilt to submit to QuiltCon. I’ve wanted to submit to a show for a while! The deadline is the end of November and I’d make my Broken Zig Zag pattern. I probably don’t have enough time. That might not stop me from trying anyway.
ooooh Charlotte looks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much like Emma!
I know! I’m curious to see if they continue to look the same as Charlotte gets bigger!