I wish Mom didn’t have to go home.
Ok, Mom is gone. Deep breaths.
We can totally do this two-kid thing!
Well, we can totally do this two-kid thing as long as TV and/or the iPad is involved.
How do stay-at-home moms do this without the option of sending the older one to daycare?!
Breastfeeding, ugh. Every time I feed her, she just falls asleep.
I know nursing is supposed to be a bonding experience, but I don’t really feel that.
Maybe I’ll just quit nursing and pump, like I did with Emma.
Maybe I’ll just stop entirely.
I guess for now I’ll keep nursing and then immediately following with a tiny bottle.
But I hate not knowing how much she gets at any given feeding.
Seriously, ugh.
Emma’s really adjusting well to being a big sister!
I wish I could pay a little more attention to her but I’m so occupied with Charlotte.
Oh man, paying attention to Emma is exhausting.
She’s really good at being gentle so far…
“Emma, please don’t yank Charlotte’s arm like that!!”
Charlotte’s such a good baby!
I mean, it’s almost a little freaky how little she has cried so far.
Should I be worried? Shouldn’t she cry more?
No, no, don’t be an idiot. A good-natured baby is a GOOD thing.
And she’s doing so great at night! I don’t even feel all that sleep-deprived!
OMG pleeeease let her stay this way. What do I need to do to help her stay this way??
Hah, I think I’ll start referring to certain things as “second baby phenomenon”! Same here regarding sleep, crying, generally good babies, being gentle and yanking arms.
Two thumbs up from this side of the ocean
Isla used to fall asleep a lot when I nursed her. I was worried about her not getting enough, so I didn’t want her to fall asleep. I found rubbing her hair against the grain or tickling/rubbing her feet helped keep her awake.
Yeah, I do that, I take her clothes off, I rub a wet wipe on her back..it usually helps for about 2 seconds then she starts to fall asleep again!
Sarah, congratulations on your two wonderful little girls! We had to supplement with formula early on with our son, but eventually I started producing enough and he didn’t scream all. the. time. Will fell asleep constantly at the boob too, but a diaper change between sides woul help wake him up. I didn’t feel super bonded at the beginning either, but it was satisfying to be able to instantly calm his screaming by sticking a boob in his mouth, and it really has gotten more fun as he’s gotten older. Best of luck with whatever you decide! Although I’ve enjoyed breastfeeding overall, I would definitely have loved to not be chained to the pump after I went back to work.
Thanks Melanie! I guess one of the “good” things about low supply is that I didn’t have to pump at work and probably won’t this time either. It just didn’t make sense to continue pumping once I went back when I was getting so little.
This made me laugh a lot, you’re doing great