October goals coming next week. In the meantime, here’s how I did in September…
This was a super successful month as far as goal-setting went, which is interesting since it was also my first month with another newborn. There’s certainly a lesson to be learned there about setting goals that I truly feel are a priority, but that are also manageable.
Send baby announcements. Designed, ordered and should be here early next week — so they’ll be going out to our family and friends as soon as I get them!
Go on walks. I took things really easy for the first three weeks, but finally started walking last week — and I don’t mean power-walking or anything like that, but just some relaxed jaunts around the neighborhood. It’s been nice to get outside and feel a tiny bit active! I plan to keep it up at this slow pace (and no more than 3 miles in distance) until mid-October when I’ll get cleared to exercise “for real” again. With that, plus cooler weather on the way, I hope to start walking faster and farther and start Couch to 5K at some point.
Keep reading. I managed to read at least a little bit every single day this month except for the day Charlotte was born — my most successful month of reading yet! (The Kindle iPhone app is 100% responsible for that since it’s easy to read while feeding Charlotte or pumping.)
Finish the September One Little Word prompt. Done!