Shortly after I mentioned them a few weeks ago, West Elm had a 20% off sale and I pulled the trigger on two bookcases for our living room. Delivery was originally scheduled for September 2…which turned out to be the day I went into labor. With everything else going on that morning, I had (understandably) forgotten all about it until I got a call in the hospital at 7:30, at which point I hastily explained I was busy having a baby and passed the buck to my mom. Turns out the guys were already on their way, but my mom had to take Emma to daycare and they weren’t able (or maybe just not willing) to try again in the afternoon. So — they cancelled the entire delivery. I had to reschedule, and it took another week to get back on their calendar.
All that said, the bookcases were finally delivered on Thursday, and they look pretty good! Unfortunately they brought two bookcases but only one set of anti-tipping hardware. West Elm had actually told me they didn’t come with that hardware at all, but it turns out they do, and now we’re awaiting a second set. Nonetheless, we secured one of them to the wall and are slowly populating them with books and toys.
You can see the wall anchor in the photo above. I think there’s some leftover blue paint somewhere in the garage, so I may try painting the plastic piece to make it a little less noticeable. Jose was very excited to start populating the top shelf with some of his “fancy” books!
I, on the other hand, am excited to have more toy storage. Toys may not be the coolest things to store in this room, but that’s reality — we spend a ton of time in this room and therefore have a ton of kid stuff in it. I was happy to see that our current blue bins fit the shelves well, but I may look for a more stylish bin option and use these elsewhere. Any suggestions?
Hooray for more living room storage!
Maybe something woven? Like rattan? It’s not my favorite material on earth, but I hear they are sturdy and I can imagine they would fit in well with the “living” theme obviously going on in a living room, compared to plastic bins or such. Okay, I’m clearly procrastinating and writing comments on every post now …
Yeah, that’s kind of what I was thinking too! I’m like you — not my favorite material, but would probably look nice here.
I like the whale bookends!
Those were a birthday present for Jose a few months ago! His favorite book is Moby Dick so he loved them.