Feeling // A little anxious about the coming weekend — our first as parents of two kids WITHOUT the benefit of either my mom or Jose’s mom here to help us out. I’m not worried about Charlotte; I’m worried about how to keep Emma occupied, entertained, and non-stir crazy! (And I don’t want to just default to iPad time.) She’s been a bit more challenging than usual in the last couple weeks, mainly because she just will NOT listen sometimes. I know it’s just something we have to work through, but it is frustrating in the meantime.
Parents of multiple kids — teach me your ways! How did you give your preschooler attention and fun things to do with a new baby in the house?
Adjusting // To this two-kid thing, nonetheless, despite the just-mentioned weekend anxiety. At 5:30 on Tuesday morning as I stood in the kitchen warming a bottle for Charlotte, I heard the unmistakable sound of Emma’s door opening, quickly followed by the sound of her feet hurrying down the hall. I intercepted her on her way to our bedroom, and it turns out she had to go to the bathroom (and I think she may have heard me making noise in the kitchen).
I can’t even remember the last time she got up in the middle of the night, but I went and sat in the bathroom with her and then put her back to bed while Jose fed Charlotte. It all worked out, and as Jose and I laid back down in the dark we just sighed and said “we’re doing it!” That has been our refrain lately to each other: we’re doing it.
Breathing // Easy after Charlotte’s first successful outing (to somewhere other than the pediatrician). I found out several weeks ago that I received a JSC Center Director’s Commendation award for my support to the ISS Chief Safety Officer over the last year, and the ceremony was on Wednesday morning. I debated several options. I could go alone, but that seemed sad since it’s one of those things where they encourage you to bring your spouse and/or kids. I could bring the whole family, but having to keep both kids under control seemed like a recipe for more stress than it was worth. I could skip it entirely, but that didn’t sound very fun either. I wanted Jose to be there, and that by default meant Charlotte had to come, and so that’s what we did! Emma stayed at daycare oblivious to the whole thing, and I’m happy to report that Charlotte snoozed in her stroller the whole time and barely made a peep. (The photo above is after the ceremony with some of my management.)
Laughing // At how Jose explained it to Emma that night: “Emma, Mommy got an award today! Do you know what an award is? It’s like a big sticker!”
Congrats again! What a great picture after the award ceremony! This photo and the photo of Emma with the shuttle flying over seem like a matched working motherhood set.
Help with a new baby is awesome, but once all the help leaves you can develop your own family routines and it might be pretty nice. I’ve been surprised at how we kind of settle into normal once we’re on our own, even if it seems like it will be crazy.
I like to encourage the big kids to take some responsibility for the baby – entertaining the baby, bringing over a blanket or toy, building a tower to show the baby… I think it helps them feel like they are included. I talk often about “Our new baby needs a diaper change, can you sing to her?” or “Do you think your sister also wants to hear this book I’m going to read to you?” My goal is then when I need the big kid to wait for something she feels like she is helping by being patient. (Extra ipad is ok too!)
Good ideas! We’ve been doing that a little with Emma, encouraging her to be a good helper, and she’s very enthusiastic — but you have some ideas I hadn’t thought of!
I am SO HAPPY you took Charlotte to this. I went the other way and took only Carina to Gavin’s last award ceremony, and he photo is one of my favorites. (Chose to leave the 3-year-old twins at daycare.)
So, I actually didn’t take her up on stage so the “fancy” photo is just Jose and me. (Erin was there because Cory got an award, so we left Charlotte in the stroller with them.) But yes, I’m really glad we got at least one photo after to prove she was there! This is a phone pic, but someone took it with a “good” camera too. Haven’t gotten that one yet.
You will do fine now that the grandmas are gone . It won’t take long to find your routine/comfort zone
Wow! Congrats on the award!