Size of the Baby: Still closing in on 7 pounds and 19-20 inches long, aka the size of a leek.
Weight gain/loss: After a while of basically negligible gain through absolutely no attempt to do so, I’ve started gaining again as baby girl packs on weight. I started this pregnancy at 177-178 and this morning I weighed 205 so the current total is 27-28 pounds.
Maternity clothes: So ooooooover them.
Sleep: Still waking up (only) once per night to go to the bathroom, and occasionally waking up with my hip or shoulder hurting. But pretty good, all things considered.
Movement: She’s still poking my hip/groin joint, and it still feels really weird. She also seems prone to make whole body movements that feel pretty awkward, like my entire stomach is dropping over the top of a roller coaster. It’s strange to think that pretty soon she’ll be out, my stomach won’t have a life of it’s own, and I’ll start to forget (again) what it feels like to have someone moving around in there.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular. I’ve been enjoying some really yummy chocolate raspberry frozen yogurt I found at HEB…but I dunno that I would say I’m “craving” it.
Best moment this week? Last weekend I took Emma to a playdate at a friend’s house — they invited Emma and another girl from the daycare class over to hang out in the backyard and splash around in the kiddie pool. We haven’t done a ton of playdates and it was nice, for both Emma and for me! Since then, the week has been kind of slow, which honestly has been kind of nice!
What I miss: You know what? I sat here and thought about it and couldn’t really come up with anything.
What I’m looking forward to: My mom arrives tomorrow! So I’m totally ok with baby girl arriving any time after that, since her being here will be super helpful and eliminate any worry about making sure Emma is in good hands while I’m in the hospital.
Milestones: Baby girl is essentially ready to go and is just spending her time in there hanging out and fattening up. Go baby go! On the home front, her room is…nowhere near complete. But there is a crib and a changing pad, so we’re good to go.
I feel like I’m just waiting, waiting, waiting. I don’t remember feeling this way with Emma, but I think 1) I was more naive and just figured she would arrive within a day or two of her due date and 2) I didn’t really know what I was in for. This time, I feel like I know that there’s a whirlwind coming…and each day I wake up wondering how long this “calm before the storm” period will last. (That analogy makes things sound sort of negative and that’s not my intention, but I can’t think of a better way to put it!)
If I make it past the middle of next week — i.e. farther than I did with Emma — I feel like the “waiting, waiting” feeling will increase tenfold.
You look wonderful! So excited for you and your upcoming arrival! Praying baby girl and you have a safe delivery. I will be stalking your FB for news!