Size of the Baby: Just over 6 pounds and 19 inches, or the size of a bunch of Swiss chard (a comparison which helps me exactly zero). She might also have a full head of hair by now! Emma certainly did.
Weight gain/loss: 25-26 pounds, which is actually a bit less than with Emma. I gained weight faster early on, and have been gaining slower here in the last trimester. I think I’m probably more active now than I was at this point last time thanks to the “already have one kid” factor.
Maternity clothes: I’m pretty sure my belly was hanging out of the bottom of my shirt at least once today without me realizing it. So that’s awesome.
Sleep: I need more of it. I wake up once every night to go to the bathroom. That’s about it.
Movement: She likes to push her butt up into my ribcage, and squirm her hands(?) into my hip/groin. The hip/groin thing isn’t an uncomfortable sensation but it’s very weird to feel pressure in that spot from inside my body, and something I don’t remember from last time.
Food cravings: This week I’ve been enjoying cherry frozen yogurt every evening. Mmm.
Best moment this week? This was pretty much the best week at work I’ve ever had, with three awesome things coming my way — a promotion, an award, and the news that I made it through to the next round of the selection process for a leadership program.
What I miss: Being able to get up and down easily. It’s become decidedly more difficult to get up off the couch at home! (I’ve had some slight lower back pain this week too, which is mildly annoying, but nothing horrible.)
What I’m looking forward to: The coming week is looking like it will be fairly uneventful and relaxed, which will be a first in a while. I really could use a “down” sort of week at this point! Of course, now that I’ve said that, something crazy will probably happen…
Milestones: At 37 weeks, I’m kinda/sorta full term, at least by the old definition! (I think they now consider 39 weeks full term?) And in the “better late than never” department, I think we’ve converged on a name for baby girl! I’m going to start using it in my head to make sure it’s good.
This weekend I’m planning to hit up Target for a few final “advance supplies” like newborn diapers and a tub of formula. Those who remember Emma’s early days may remember that I had a lot of issues with breastfeeding. I’m planning to try again with this baby…but I’m also planning to be a lot gentler on myself if the same problems reoccur.
Congrats on the achievements at work- that’s great!! Glad you picked a name too. I can’t wait to hear it once baby girl arrives!