Size of the Baby: A bit over 5 pounds, essentially full “height”, the size of a honeydew melon…and basically done with development, other than putting on more weight! Good job growing, baby girl.
Weight gain/loss: Same as last week, ~25 pounds overall. Fortunately no real swelling at all to this point!
Maternity clothes: I’m so tired of all my maternity clothes, but of course it makes no sense to waste money on anything new at this point.
Sleep: Aside from my perennial issue of going to bed too late, the general trend from the last few weeks of sleeping well has continued. Hurrah!
Movement: Hang in there little baby, you’ll have more room soon.
Food cravings: I’m so, so thirsty. Like, all the time. Also, we ate at Freebird’s last weekend and they had Vitamin Water (my random drink of choice this pregnancy) in the drink machine! Winning.
Best moment this week? Emma gained a new cousin on Tuesday night! I already have 3 nephews but now I have a niece! I can’t remember if I ever mentioned that my sister was also pregnant, but our due dates were only 5 weeks apart.
I won’t say anything more because apparently the rest of my family doesn’t like overshare on the internet like I do, but I’m very very excited!!! The only bummer is that since I’m currently super pregnant myself and soon will have my own newborn, I don’t know when we might be able to get out to Seattle to see them.
What I miss: It’d be nice to be able to bend over easily, to shave and put lotion on my legs, to drink a margarita, to go for a run. But with only 5ish weeks to go, I know I’ll be able to do those things soon enough. So things are good.
What I’m looking forward to: Tomorrow morning we’re going over to the hospital with Emma for their “super siblings” class. I hope she enjoys it! (And I’m looking forward to the hospital tour portion as well, since labor and delivery is now in a new wing of the hospital that didn’t exist three years ago when I was there having Emma.)
Milestones: In the “preparation for baby #2” department, we got one major item checked off the list by having the baby’s room painted! Yaaaay! (Here’s what this room looked like not so long ago.) With that done, this weekend I plan to get the basics set up — putting the dresser back in place, converting the toddler bed back into a crib, and building the bookcase we got at Ikea last weekend.
(Side note: how do I hang curtains on those windows? Do I hang the rods below the arch? Or above the whole window? Also you can see some gunk that’s stuck on the dresser top. What’s the best way to remove sticky gunk from wood without ruining the finish?)
I suppose I should start thinking about packing a hospital bag and putting the infant seat back into the car at some point too…
I remember being in this position this time last year! I swelled horribly, though. This Texas heat was awful to me.
When you are about due with your daughter my son will be having his first birthday! eek!
Hope the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly!
I’m feeling really lucky that swelling hasn’t been an issue, especially with this heat!
Yes, below the arch. You can look on pinterest for ideas to cover the half ovals. Ive had these windows before
You could do one large set of curtains covering both window, including the round part. They could go all the way down and brush the floor. If you don’t cover the top, you won’t be able to fully darken the room.
I love the way the half-round windows look, but having had to sleep in rooms with them I hate them. They sell these fan type blinds that block out the light from them (esp since Houston has a love of street lights). Curtains below only around square part of window.
So, the arch does need to be covered up in the interest of making the room dark — but I will probably do that with some sort of fan blind like Becca mentioned, so the curtains will be more decorative. At first I assumed the rod would need to go below the arch as well, but I’m afraid it will make the room look squat. I’ve seen examples both ways on Pinterest — above and below. Ugh I can’t decide!