Get Emma a new bed. We don’t intend to buy another crib, which means Emma’s toddler bed needs to get converted back to a crib for the new baby, which means Emma needs a new bed. We’ve looked at a couple local furniture stores (Rooms to Go and Star) but haven’t found anything yet. I’m not entirely sure what I’m looking for…but sort of assume I’ll know it when I see it?? No matter what, I’d really like to get Emma the new one by the end of this month so she has a couple months to sleep in it before her sister arrives.
Walk at least 3 times per week. I utterly failed on this goal in May so I’m looking to redeem myself this month…starting tonight.
Do my yearly “30 Days of Creativity.” I first did this in 2012 when it was a sort of internet meme. It has since died out as a “thing” but I’ve enjoyed doing it as a personal project every year since. (You can find previous 30DOC posts here.)
Make stuff. I’ve been slowly making my way down the list of crafty “to do” items that I put together about 6 weeks ago. The first two are done, so this month I’ll be tackling the next two items: finish the baby quilt I started last month and make something for the Modern Quilt Guild’s Riley Blake challenge. If I somehow turn into a complete overachiever and finish both of those things (doubtful, but you never know), the next thing on my list is to get started on my Technicolor Galaxy quilt.
Look on Pinterest for Montessori beds. SO cute and I love the concept/thought behind them. If I had kids I would definitely do Montessori beds; trying to talk my niece-in-law into doing it for Tucker.
I had never heard of this! Really interesting!
You should have a goal to rest and watch movies on the couch with Jose! LOL I don’t know how you have so much energy at 6 months pregnant!
I think I’m like mom — hard to just sit still.