Enjoying // A visit from my mom! Yaaay!
Sorting // Through all of Emma’s old clothes. I’ve saved basically everything, but I know we’ll still want to get new clothes for baby girl #2, so it’s finally time to go through it all and save only the true favorites.
Smiling // At the photos I took yesterday, when we took a family trip to Kemah to celebrate Father’s Day with (several) rides on the merry-go-round, ferris wheel, and train. It was unexpectedly hot — although really, it shouldn’t have been unexpected since it is late June, after all. I guess I’m just in denial that summer is here. In any case, Emma loved it!
Stewing // Over Emma’s behavior lately, and my limited success at dealing with it. We’ve had several stints of defiance and not listening, but yesterday morning took the cake. I said she loved the Kemah Boardwalk…well, she loved it so much that she had a complete and utter meltdown when it was time to leave. In fact, it was the biggest meltdown she’s had in her entire life outside of infant-hood — no exaggeration. (And on Father’s Day, no less.) She literally screamed the entire way home and for another 20 minutes after we got home until she finally calmed down. She’s never had a tantrum that lasted anywhere near that long and Jose and I were both at our wits’ end. We tried talking it through. We tried distracting her. We even tried yelling at her, which only made us both feel awful.
I really don’t know if I am ready for this “threenager” phase.
You will obviously figure it out. However, for us, the worst were the few months after B was born. I think the transition was obviously somewhat tough for Isla and part of her response was to throw more temper tantrums.