Size of the Baby: About 2 pounds, 14.5 inches long and…wait for it…a cauliflower.
Weight gain/loss: Hanging in there at ~20 pounds, and Jose is saying that he’s gained “sympathy weight.” Ha!
Maternity clothes: Nothing new to report here.
Sleep: I’ve actually been sleeping pretty well, except for the fact that I stayed up too late several nights this week reading and puttering around.
Movement: I feel her moving a lot, but it seems a little different than I remember with Emma. I still feel movement on a regular basis way down below as opposed to the top of my belly. When I had the anatomy ultrasound at 21 weeks, she was heads up/feet down and I kind of wonder if she still has her feet down and that’s what I’m feeling.
Food cravings: We made homemade cookies ‘n cream ice cream last Saturday, and I’ve been enjoying a (small) bowl of it every night. We finished it off last night. It was really tasty.
Best moment this week? I hosted book club on Wednesday night and that was a lot of fun as usual even if I couldn’t partake of all the wine like I normally would. (The book was Station Eleven, which I highly recommend, but we talked mostly about other stuff as per usual.)
What I miss: Nothing at the moment, although after this weekend I may be saying I miss having a bathing suit that fits! Ha. We told Emma we’d go to the pool on Saturday or Sunday but I haven’t checked to see if any of my suits actually fits. (I have a couple that are tankinis, so I’m assuming they will.)
What I’m looking forward to: I ordered furniture! Not for the baby, actually, but for Emma, which means her furniture will be ready for baby. I ended up choosing a bed and dresser from Land of Nod that will be here in 1-4 weeks. I’m excited to get the new stuff set up in Emma’s room, and get the old stuff set up in the new baby’s room!
Milestones: Hello third trimester! It blows my mind that I am this far along already. Everyone who says second pregnancies go by way faster than first pregnancies is TOTALLY RIGHT.
You should definitely post a picture of Emma’s updated room. I’m curious to see what furniture you picked.
I definitely will! It’s scheduled to be delivered in a couple weeks. I’ll go back and update this post with links, but we got the Hampshire arched bed and dresser in the “stone” color.