Feeling // Proud of Emma, who has officially been wearing underwear for more than a week now! (She’s still in a diaper at night and a pull-up at naptime.) She had a couple really small #1 accidents the first day in undies, but nothing since. She’s had a little more trouble with #2 — 2 accidents, along with the fact that she prefers to wait until she knows she’s in a diaper and then go — but I can tell she’s trying, so the switch to undies seems to be helping.
Progressing // With my move-the-office-upstairs goal, although as I mentioned on Friday, the bookcases still need to go up. One thing I’m struggling with as we rearrange the house is how to best get rid of various items. Like our old Guitar Hero equipment that hasn’t been used in years — do people still play Guitar Hero? Does Goodwill even take video gaming equipment? Or Jose’s bass guitar, which he doesn’t want anymore — does it have value? How do I find someone who wants it?
I know there are a zillion options, from Craigslist to Ebay to the swap shop we have at work. But honestly, for most of these things, I am more interested in getting them out of the house than getting money for them, and I don’t even want to go through the effort of selling it. Freecycle, maybe? Does that still exist?
What are your go-to ways to quickly and easily get rid of unwanted — but not trash — items?
Sewing // Lots of little strips together for my next quilt. It doesn’t look like much yet, just a pile of fabric. But I’m about to start joining sections, and hopefully that’ll make the magic happen as I’ve planned!
Admiring // My Once Upon a Time sampler! I finally got it back from the frame store after 3+ weeks and one redo on their part. The first time I went to pick it up, it was noticeably not centered in the frame. It turned out that the tape used to mount it had come off. Pretty annoying given that the framing cost was not exactly cheap, and I wasn’t super thrilled to hear they just mounted it with plain old tape. For the redo, they supposedly stitched it somehow. Anyway — it looks good now, and if it somehow shifts again, I’ll make them fix it.
Set it out on the curb the day before trash day. I swear people drive through neighborhoods picking up please-take items and then re-sell them at flee markets. I mean, they took broken washing machine parts from us. We have this in our neighborhood all the time despite concerns this is somehow “dangerous”. Whatev. Freecycle still exists too, but its mostly the same people as the trash-pickers, they are just going to take the item to a flea market.
Put it in a box and put it next to a donation box. Gone. Or as Becca said, on the curb. If you try and sell anything online its just a hassle. Get rid of that crap.
Hi Sarah! I discovered your blog through the Lively Show.
My word for the year is “enough” too. Maybe if I just keep telling myself that I am enough, that I am doing enough, that it is enough I will start believing it. (Also I LOVE your Once Upon a Time sampler! I started to learn cross stitch earlier this year and really need to make time to pick it back up again. It’s so zen to sit and stitch and you have something pretty afterwards!) Anyway, so glad I found your blog!