With Emma I started weekly pregnancy updates at 13 weeks, but this time around I’m starting two months later. Also? Everything this time gets compared to my pregnancy with Emma. Oh, second child, already getting the short end of the stick!
Size of the Baby: Almost a foot long and weighs a pound.
Weight gain/loss: Around 17 pounds so far, which is a couple pounds more than at this point last time but not too awful. I gained weight a lot faster early on — most of which I blame on the Christmas holidays, actually — but I’ve been trying to eat well lately and the gain has slowed to a good rate.
Maternity clothes: I had to break out my tub of maternity clothes and start wearing them earlier this time around, especially pants, which I needed by the end of the first trimester. I’ve bought a few new shirts and a dress but I’m trying not to buy too much more.
Sleep: It’s not awful but not great, so basically about what I expected. I tend to wake up several times a night because the arm on whatever side I’m sleeping on has gone numb. We need a new mattress sometime in the next year or two, so perhaps it’s time to accelerate that purchase…
Emma hanging out at my checkup last week. We’ve taken her to a couple and she gets to hear her sister’s heartbeat. Aww.
Movement: Just as I’d been told, I started feeling this baby move a lot earlier. With Emma, I wasn’t 100% sure I was feeling baby movement until something like 21 weeks. But I felt this baby’s first movements more than a month ago, and have been feeling her multiple times a day for a couple weeks now.
Best moment this week? It had nothing to do with being pregnant, but I really really enjoyed having Carter and Kent (two friends from Georgia Tech) in town for the weekend. It had been several years since we’d really gotten to spend time together — the last time was our 2011 booze cruise — and it was awesome to hang out with them for the weekend. We ate out a lot, went to a show, went to a baseball game, and just relaxed around the house.
What I miss: I’ve been missing running…but it’s about to get really hot, and maybe missing a summer of running isn’t so bad after all.
What I’m looking forward to: Continuing to get the house rearranged and things in order for baby #2. I’m not looking forward to the work involved in moving stuff and furniture…but I’m looking forward to the end result!
Milestones: I already mentioned that we had the big anatomy ultrasound, so that was a big hurdle to get past and now at 22 weeks, baby’s almost to the point of true viability which is another good thing. Overall this pregnancy is going by so much faster than last time, and I know it’s because we already have Emma and are busy with her.
Just a short hello from Germany – I think I came to your blog via Elise’s and am currently expecting our second child, too! Week 29 over here
I stuck your blog in my bookmark bar as I just love your little “about me” text – wife! mom! NASA engineer! So cool.
Hi Johanna! Thanks for vising and so neat that our #2 kiddos will be about the same age!
Yes! Our first, Max, will turn 4 in August.
Did Emma’s movement wake you up in the middle of the night? I woke up the other night and I could feel the baby moving but I wasn’t sure if that was what woke me up, or if I just had to pee and then was noticing the baby. I am feeling a lot of movement but this baby surely seems like a night owl! I almost never feel movement between when I wake up and noon or so, then in the late evening as I’m going to bed the baby is moving like crazy!