Nothing like posting monthly goals when we’re already more than a week into the month, right? Right! So here we go:
Clean out the garage. I did this a couple years ago, but it has devolved into a cluttered mess of random crap again.
Do something about the front flower bed. It’s completely overgrown, which has been an ongoing problem for a couple years now. Weeds grow like crazy, I pull them, and then they come back even stronger than before. I don’t really know what my options are at this point, but something must be done. I probably need to just hire someone to dig up the entire bed and start over?
Make stuff. I finished the rising balloons quilt yesterday (and will post about it later this week once it stops raining and I can take a nice photo of it), so I’m moving on to baby quilt #2 on my list. I hope to get that one done by the end of March, although that may be slightly optimistic since the rest of my weekends this month are already pretty full.
That’s enough for this month!
I’m looking forward to seeing what you do about the flower beds? Our backyard beds are totally overgrown. I let them go when we had dogs because they were diggers, but now that we don’t I could actually do something with them. It seems so overwhelming though!
So I used spend a lot of time on my beds, weeding, planting, etc.
Now I go with the Scorched Earth philosophy. Get a mega bottle of Round Up, spray the heck out of everything, then dump a layer of mulch over it. Every month or two, touch up with more roundup and go over the weeds with your edger. Poison the groundwater, everyone else in Houston is doing it, you can too…
My go-to approach is to hand-pull as many weeds as I can see, then lay down a few layers of newspaper, then put new mulch on top to cover the paper. It keeps the weeds down and the newspaper will decompose over time. Of course the weeds do come back eventually but it usually works for a year or two.
I like using newspapers better than the scorched earth method (lol) for a few reasons. We live near a river and our city water comes from wells so the idea of putting down a lot of pesticides that will get into the water makes me uncomfortable though I know most of my neighbors do. I also do vegetable gardening and like the idea of the things I grow on my own not having a lot of pesticides on them. Finally I know the dog runs around in the bushes and will track whatever I put down right back into the house.