April goals coming next week. In the meantime, here’s how I did in March…
If it didn’t get done the first weekend of March, it didn’t get done at all since the other three weekends were jam-packed with rodeo and wedding and birthday fun. And thus I am forced to admit that I totally failed at every single goal I set for this month.
The garage is still a mess.
The front flower bed is overgrown to the point that the weeds are as tall as me and sprouting little yellow flowers, which actually makes them kind of pretty! (I’m anticipating a letter from the HOA, like, yesterday.)
I made a bit of progress on La Passacaglia but did no other sewing.
And you know what? Goals, schmoals. March. Was. AWESOME.
p.s. Actually, I DID finally tackle my closet, and last Friday I donated three large garbage bags full of no-longer-worn clothes. That was a goal for January and February, so better late than never!
Ahh, real life. This happens to me every time I make a list. I usually get some of it done, but never all–and I still consider it a success if I’m living a good and happy life.