We’re on a walk around the neighborhood with Emma in the stroller, Jose pushing, and me walking beside them.
Emma (reaching up from stroller): “Here Daddy.”
Jose takes whatever it is she’s offering.
Jose: “Was that a booger?”
Emma: “Yeah.”
Jose: “Where did it come from?”
Emma: “My nose.”
Emma: “Where’s Omic?” (pronounced like “oh-mick”)
Me: “Omic?”
Emma: “Omic is at old McDonald’s!” (giggles)
Emma suddenly shows interest in a flower pot that’s been in the corner of the kitchen for some time. It’s empty, but has some lingering spots of dirt inside.
Emma: “Someone poop in dere?”
In Corpus Christi on Saturday while getting ready for the wedding, Emma notices the tattoos on Jose’s cousin’s arm.
Emma: “Ohh, she has stamps on her arm!”
Me: “Yes those ARE stamps.”
Emma: “I want stamps!”
Me: “Sorry Emma, but you can’t have that kind of stamp until you’re 18 and can decide for yourself!”
Alex and Krystle are getting married, as in, the ceremony is occurring in front of us. Emma is sitting on my lap.
Me (whispering): “Alex and Krystle are getting married, remember?”
Emma: “No, dey are just standing right dere.”
These are great. I think I’m going to have to start Isla-isms. Glad my child isn’t the only one with a penchant for nose-picking.
I was trying really hard not to laugh at the booger thing.