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Anticipating // A Soyuz launch this afternoon, carrying Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko on a year-long adventure in space. Only a handful of people (all Russian) have spent a year in space before, and no one has done it on the International Space Station. You can watch the launch on NASA TV tomorrow at 2:43 Central!
(The photo above shows the Soyuz rocket at the launch pad in Baikonur, Kazakhstan after it was lifted into position on Wednesday.)
Planning // A rearrangement/revamping of our guest room. I want it to be a combination of guest room, reading nook, and possibly even exercise room if I can manage to come up with a floor plan that fits the treadmill.
Decluttering // In what feels like an endless loop. As I was picking things up on Monday night in preparation for the cleaners’ biweekly visit, I got so frustrated by the amount of STUFF that accumulates between each of their visits (which leaves the house with blissfully clean surfaces for, oh, about 30 minutes). I feel like I am constantly throwing things in the trash, and yet it continues. My family are not minimalists, and I get that, and accept that. But good grief. We just have so. much. STUFF. It’s ridiculous.
(And then I read Erin’s post and felt slightly better. But still. TOO MUCH STUFF.)
Awwwww-ing // At my little astronaut. It was “literacy exploration day” or something like that at daycare on Wednesday, so the kids were supposed to bring one of their favorite books, dress up like a character from it, and then tell everyone who they were. We went with “Floating Home” about Maxine a kid astronaut. I ordered the astronaut suit from Amazon and it was ridiculously too big, but we made it work!
(This pic came from another parent. I decided not to go see the presentations because I thought Emma was much more likely to participate if I wasn’t there. Looks like I was right! The teachers said all the kids did a great job!)
Appreciating // All the lovely birthday wishes I got yesterday via phone, text, blog and FB!
She is so cute! I want an astronaut suit. Maybe that’s what I’ll do for Halloween.