I’m still working on the same two projects I was a few weeks ago. My motivation for sewing has been a bit low lately, but I’ve managed to make some progress on both. (And my Passacaglia quilt, as mentioned before, is an extremely long term project anyway.)
Upon the recommendation of a couple people who commented on Instagram, I got a glue pen and tried glue basting a few of my pieces instead of thread basing. Turns out the glue basting is WAY faster than thread, so I’ll definitely be continuing that in the future.
I spent a couple hours working on this on Sunday night while we watch the Oscars, and got the whole outer ring of stars and diamonds stitched together. Next up? Attaching that ring to the pentagons, and then my first rosette will officially be complete!
I finished all my little drunkard’s path blocks while Jose’s mom was here, but then they sat on my design wall for over a week. I finally start sewing them together a few days ago.
By the end of last weekend, I had the blocks pieced into rows. Next up is sewing the rows together — and then on to basting. I’m hoping to get this one finished by the end of next week.
Love the colors in your drunkard’s path! And I’m in awe of how perfectly your pink stripes line up on those EPP diamonds!
Thanks! I bought a set of acrylic templates which makes fussy cutting MUCH easier!
Your la passacaglia is coming along nicely. I like the contrast between the fabrics you’ve used in this rosette. I’m working on one too, but have taken February off to catch up on a few other things. It will be interesting to see how many of these quilts can be finished in 2015 because I’ve certainly seen a lot started!
Yeah, it is very popular right now for sure. I’m viewing mine as a very (VERY) long term project. I don’t expect to finish it in 2015. Mayyyybe 2016 if I’m lucky!