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It’s flex Friday and I’m feeling super productive today! It’s only 10:20 and already I have: gotten Emma up and ready for school, drove through Starbucks, spent 45 minutes at the DPS office renewing my driver’s license, picked up a couple things at the grocery store that couldn’t wait until Sunday (i.e. milk), showered (probably should have done that BEFORE getting my license picture taken), and now I’m writing this post. This is far more than I’ve usually accomplished by 10:20.
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I’ve got several things on my list for the rest of the day, including getting my nails done, working on a couple of my February goals, making a yummy Valentines Day treat for Jose and Emma, and sewing blocks together for my rising balloons quilt.
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Emma has always eaten meals in the room at daycare, but she and the rest of the class have been deemed big enough to eat in the cafeteria now! Yesterday was the first day I dropped her off early enough for breakfast in there (since Jose’s mom had been feeding her at home earlier in the week). As I learned down to kiss her goodbye, I accidentally dipped my hair in syrup…and didn’t realize it until 30 minutes later as I sat around the table at an ISS mission management team meeting. Thankfully, I don’t think you could tell. Maybe smell…but not see?
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Emma’s class also had a little Valentine’s Day party yesterday, although I unfortunately couldn’t make it. These were the valentines she gave to all her buddies this year. Thank you Pinterest for the idea, and my Silhouette for making the cutting easy! (Next year, I think I’m going to come up with something Emma can do.)
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This morning out of nowhere, Emma requested that I do her hair in an “Elsa braid.” It’s probably time to come up with some hairstyles other than pigtails, so I gave it a shot. Looks cute, but I’m betting it has already started to fall out. Her hair is still so baby fine that it’s hard to keep it corralled! Someone seriously needs to make a line of baby hair bands that actually stay put.
(Hmm. I should Google that. They MUST exist somewhere.)
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It’s a 3-day weekend for Jose and me, thanks to the President’s Day holiday on Monday. (Well, since today is flex Friday it’s really a 4-day weekend for me! So nice how that worked out.) I want to have some family fun, like hitting up the children’s museum or the zoo…but I’m afraid it might be packed because the schools are out too, and I hate dealing with crowds. We’ll see.
Sunday Galveston has the Dog parade and the Children’s parade.