Over the weekend, I finally sat down and worked through January’s prompts for the One Little Word workshop I’m taking this year. I signed up for the course somewhat on a whim. I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to make my one little word into one more thing on my list, but the workshop was cheap and (as I’ve mentioned before) I was interested in trying some “modern scrapbooking” without the intensity of Project Life.
I bought a nice green 8.5×11 album and a few different styles of page protectors. I don’t have the various stamps and embellishments that a lot of Project Life-ers have, so I just made do with my small selection of scrapbook paper and washi tape.
Since it’s the first month of the year, January’s prompts were heavily focused on defining my choice of word and the reasons for choosing it, along with jotting down some intentions, hopes and fears for the coming year. On the left is a print out of this blog entry. On the right are the 5 cards included with the workshop this month, along with a few photos and a random piece of scrapbook paper.
I also went through two worksheets. At first I struggled with answering all these different prompts — they seemed so open-ended! But after a few minutes of sitting and thinking, it turns out I had a lot more to write down than I expected. It was definitely a worthwhile exercise and I’m glad I did it.
The left page was really fun to put together. All three photos are from New Year’s Eve, and I liked the idea of including those as a kind of “kickoff.” (Dang our kids are cute.) I printed all the photos on my inkjet and to be honest, I’m a little concerned about how well they’ll hold up, and whether the ink will eventually stick to the plastic. I need to look into what other people do for photos. It might be better to send them to CVS since that would be a higher quality print.
I wrapped up January with the other worksheet filled with intentions for this year. The workshop recommended dividing them into broad categories, and I ended up with six: relationships, emotional, work, creative, physical and miscellaneous. Some of my intentions are specific and some are rather broad. It’ll be interesting (and helpful!) to return to these each month and see how I’m doing.
February’s prompt involves making a “vision board.” Instead of making a large canvas (and then having to find wall space for it), I’m going to make mine album-sized so I can include it with January’s content.
The smaller (album sized) vision board is my plan, too. And, I think you could/should use fabric in place of scrapbook paper where it works. It seems very fitting and I bet you have a lot of scraps of fabric – even if you don’t have a lot of scrapbooking supplies.
Oooh how did I not think of that? Yes, fabric scraps would be perfect and you’re right, I have a ton!