Making herself at home at World Market
Me: (singing Let It Go)
Emma: “No don’t sing that!”
Me: “Ok, what should I sing?”
Emma: “No sing Shake It Off.”
Me: (singing Shake It Off)
Emma: “No don’t sing…any song.”
Emma puts on her sunglasses right side up.
Emma: “Oh dey’re upside down!”
She takes them off, turns them upside down, puts them back on, and smiles happily.
We’re at the neighborhood playground on the swings, and Emma points at a pine tree nearby.
Emma: “Oh lookit dose poke-u-pines!” (aka pinecones)
Emma: “I want to get on again! I want to get on again! I want to get on agaaaain!”
Me: “What are you talking about? You want to get on WHAT again?”
Emma: “…..I don’t know.”
Emma has just gotten up from her nap, and she and I are working on a puzzle in her bedroom. After about 10 minutes, she pauses.
Emma: “Where’s Daddy?”
Me: “He’s out in the living room.”
Emma: “He in da living room?”
Me: “Yep.”
Emma: “I go get him.”
(She gets up and runs down the hall.)
Emma: “Daddy! Daddy! Come over here to MY living room!”
Emma (whenever she wants Jose or me to pick her up): “I want to hold you!”
Emma: “I go to Mars! I go to Benus!” (aka Venus)
Jose: “Yeah, that would be cool!”
Emma: “But we have to pay for it.”
Meredith says “I wanna hold you” too! It’s pretty cute, except when she’s whining it over and over and I’m in the middle of something.