Enjoying // A break from the usual weekday rush, thanks to Jose’s mom! She’s been handling a lot of the diaper changes, morning wakeups, storytime before bed, etc. Last night Jose and I even got to go sit at Starbucks for an hour after Emma went to bed — just for fun! Woo!
Practicing // My new-found curved piecing skills — or lack thereof? Honestly I’m not sure which. Nonetheless, my “rising balloons” quilt is chugging along. I’m too lazy to pin, so sometimes a block doesn’t come out aligned quite right. Fortunately, I have enough fabric to make 75 blocks but I only need 64 for the full quilt, so I’ll be able to toss the 11 worst blocks.
I’ve made 50 so far and it’s kind of getting old. Good thing I’m 2/3 done!
Reading // Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand for my postal book club. I like it, but apparently not enough to get through it in less than a month. Some nights I only read a couple pages. But I do like it. Weird.
Eating // Strawberries. Enough said.
Feeling // Really stressed out by my job this week. We’re coming up on a big review for which I’m the lead. Even though we do these four times per year, I swear each time it feels more and more like I’m pulling teeth to get all the topics and presentations and presenters lined up. It’s frustrating, to say the least.
Wishing // I could go to QuiltCon — which is being held in Austin in a couple weeks. At this point it’s highly unlikely to happen unless I convince Jose to make it a family road trip…most of which he would spend wrangling a toddler. It’s not exactly his idea of a good time. (Understandably.)
Is Jose still flying? Maybe its an opportunity to have him fly you and Emma on your first family “trip”. Combine hobbies! You wrangle Emma on her first plane ride, he wrangles Emma while you look at quilts?
He hasn’t flown in several months. You want to fly us?