Jose and I took Emma to the doctor earlier this week for her 2.5 year checkup. It was fairly uneventful — which is a significant improvement over previous trips to the doctor which have always involved copious amounts of tears (from Emma, not from the parents).
I decided it would be better to bring it up the day before so she would be prepared, or at least as prepared as a 2-year-old can be. So we talked about going to the doctor, and how she would stand on the scale, and then the doctor would listen to her heart and look in her ears. Emma has also watched one particular Daniel Tiger episode (in which he goes to the doctor) about a zillion times and I think that helped a lot too.
She whimpered a bit when she had to stand on the scale, but then calmed down again while she was measured. (At 37.25 inches and 36 pounds, she’s in the 90th percentile for both height and weight!) She cried when the doctor listened to her heartbeat but calmed down for the ear check.
All in all, it was our most successful doctor visit yet.
Thank you Daniel Tiger.
I love the growth chart! It’s been on my list for about 2 years. Now that I’ve figured out how to use my Silhouette, I may actually get it done!