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I’ve been wondering what I’d receive from the Schnitzel & Boo mini quilt swap and when the package arrived yesterday, I was definitely not disappointed. This beautiful mini was made for me by another Sarah — @sarahrose__. I had actually seen her progress photos of this while browsing Instagram and admired it from afar, but had no idea it was for me the whole time. I’m totally in love with it! Now to find a good spot to hang it so I can admire it daily…
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I feel like I have really hit the jackpot in sewing swaps so far. I’ve only done three, but each time I’ve received something really wonderful and well-made. (Sewing people are good people.) This is encouraging because…I signed up for another swap, this one trading mini quilts made from Alison Glass fabric.
I know, I know — I said I wasn’t going to sign up for any for the first few months of the year! But I love her fabrics and the due date isn’t until early June so I don’t even have to think about it until April or May. I couldn’t resist.
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I ordered something like 10 total yards of fabric earlier this week from Fat Quarter Shop, all in various sizes. A large fat quarter bundle, a large jelly roll, and some yardage. It’ll be used for two baby quilts that I’ll be starting on as soon as I finish my tote for the Instagram tote swap.
I try to stick to a rough sewing budget each month to avoid impulse buys. Between registering for two online classes, getting supplies for the skill builder quilt I’ll be doing this year and this purchase, I basically spent my budget for January, February and some of March. But it’ll likely be the end of February (at best) before I’m ready for a new project anyway.
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And speaking of the tote swap, I’m nearly done with my bag for that. I finished the exterior on Wednesday night and just need to add the lining. It’s turning out really well — so good that I wish I could keep it for myself! Hopefully my partner likes it just as much!
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After a week and a half of crazy (for me) amounts of reading as I tore through the Divergent trilogy, getting into another book has been surprisingly difficult. I started Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand for postal book club on Monday but have only gotten a couple chapters into it.
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It was Emma’s turn to be “star student” at daycare this week. Even though that meant I had to 1) print out pictures, 2) remember to help her pick a book to share on Tuesday and a show-and-tell item on Wednesday and 3) bring in a healthy snack today…it was still fun for her, I think.
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Yesterday I had to be at work at 6 a.m. I was totally exhausted and ready to crawl into bed by 9 p.m. but foolishly stayed up until almost 11:00 for no good reason. And thus I’m still tired today. The end.
I tore through Divergent too! Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand was a bit of a slow starter for me but I ended up really enjoying it; hopefully you will too!