Yesterday was all about goals for January, but today I’m thinking a little bigger.
I first experimented with the “one little word” concept last year…but I never even mentioned my word until December. See, I’m an engineer. I tend to think in concrete terms. And I gotta be honest — I struggle a lot with this kind of “touchy feely” exercise. There’s a part of me that’s even embarrassed to be participating in something that another part of me thinks is hooey.
(How’s THAT for some inner conflict, eh?)
Ultimately I found my 2014 word (“calm”) helpful, so this year I’ve decided to jump in with both feet and have joined Ali Edwards’s workshop. My word?
One of the first words that popped into my head was “enough,” and chatting with Jess Lively the day after writing that post sealed the deal. So this year I’m going to concentrate on improving the ways I’m not enough, and recognizing and celebrating all the ways that I am. For example:
I don’t say “no” enough. I don’t let myself relax enough. I don’t give myself enough of a break.
And also:
I am working hard enough. I have enough responsibility. I make enough money. I eat well enough. I exercise enough. I have enough stuff. My house is clean enough. I am a good enough mom. I am a good enough wife.
(Ok, “enough” is starting to look like a really weird word after typing it so many times.)
I have enough. I am doing enough. I am enough.
My word for the year is Done. I want to finish what I start and get more completed. Move more items from my wish and someday list to the finished list. So I have been constantly reminding myself “Done”.
Oh that’s a good one! I’m also guilty of forever planning and even starting but not finishing. Good luck!