It’s a new year but for goal-setting purposes, it’s just another month! I do feel like my monthly goals have gotten a little stale lately. I tend to have several sewing or crafty items on the list, along with reading a couple books, some sort of exercise, and something around the house. Those are all good things — and indeed my January list is full of them — but I’m also feeling like I need to shake things up a little bit, try to set some goals that are a little different. So I’ll be thinking about that for February, but in the meantime…
Finish the 2014 family album. I said I was leaving it on the list to make sure it gets done, and here it is.
Check 3 things off the “little jobs” list. Another recurring goal that I started in November…but it’s still a good one, and at least the 3 things change. Over the weekend I finished 3 little things for December (finally dropping off a large load at Goodwill, cleaning our Keurig inside and out, and cleaning the half-moon window in our bedroom).
This month I think I’ll tackle cleaning and re-lubricating our treadmill, changing the toner in our printer (which has been out for weeks), and recycling a big bag of old light bulbs that’s been taking up space in the laundry room…but that list could change.
Clothes/shoes/jewelry purge. There has been a lot of talk in blog-land over the last year about capsule wardrobes. I don’t have any plans to create one for myself, but I DO really like the idea of paring down my closet until it only contains items that I like and feel good wearing — so that’s what I plan to do this month.
Going forward, I’d also like to be more conscious about how new items would fit in with what I already have, instead of giving in to my usual tendency to impulse buy.
Make things! On the docket for January are two baby quilts, finishing up my items for the Instagram tote swap and the Schnitzel & Boo mini quilt swap, and starting a block-of-the-month (BOM) project that I’ll be posting more about later this week.
Here’s to a great January and a great 2015!
My Jan goals are: deactivate blog (done!), empty dishwasher and dryer IMMEDIATELY, and a money diet (necessary after Nov and Dec!). Money diet is basically NO MONEY spent on anything other than bills, rent, food, gas…etc.
The money diet — good goal but so tough! I really need to do something similar though.