I’m feeling a little aimless this month, a little ambivalent about what I want to tackle. I came up with the following 4 things, so hopefully they will keep me focused!
Run 50 miles. Yep, I’m keeping this one for a 3rd month in a row. No slacking off!
Clean up/reorganize/rearrange Emma’s clothes and toys. I’ve been telling myself I’ll do this for weeks now and just keep procrastinating…but it’s time. For real. The toys are taking over our living room and she doesn’t even play with at least half of them. The ones she’s outgrown need to be put in storage in the garage or attic, or donated. Same story with clothes — I need to take the stuff that doesn’t fit anymore out of her drawers and either pack it up in storage or donate.
Try free motion quilting. I mentioned yesterday that this has been on my “to try” list for some time — in fact, I think I may have even made it a monthly goal at some point, but failed to complete it. But fresh off a day at the Quilt Festival, I’m ready for real.
Check 3 items off my “little jobs” list. A couple weeks ago after reading this Unclutterer post, I started my own list of “little jobs” — those nagging tasks that I know won’t take much time to complete, but I just keep putting off for various reasons. Things like hemming two pairs of work pants that have been hanging over the arm of our treadmill for months (I move them to run, then move them back — ridiculous), or installing the Nest themostat we got a couple weeks ago (thanks to signing up for a new energy plan). This month I’m committing to checking off at least 3 items.
I can’t wait to see how your free motion practice goes? What do you think you will try quilting? I’ve been making little napkins for my son’s lunches and FMQing those.
I’d also love to hear about The Nest. I’m intrigued, but we haven’t bought one.