How to make a fabric collection – a designer’s perspective | Penguin & Fish
The idea of designing a fabric collection is so intriguing to me right now, so I loved this “behind the scenes” look at all the different considerations at play, and a glimpse at what the process really looks like from start to finish.
The missing story of the 2014 election |
When it comes to politics, I lean fairly heavily Democrat…but I also live in Texas. Naturally, I was disappointed by the outcome of this year’s elections at all levels — national, state and local. I’m not going to start posting about politics regularly because that’s not really my thing, but I was interested in the math and demographics discussed in this blog post. It supposes that given the number of states that are solidly Democratic in Presidential elections, the Democrats already have 257 of the required 270 electoral votes for 2016. There are probably a few gross assumptions at play, but like I said, I just found it interesting.
The Rise of Extreme Daycare | Pacific Standard
Twenty-four-hour daycare can seem shocking to people who have no need for it. When I mentioned extreme daycare to some middle-class parents […] a number recoiled at the thought. These same parents have their own children full time at tonier daycare centers or with a nanny. They also often work far into the night themselves, laptops aglow, making their dimly lit homes look like aquariums. Yet many found it strange to have a child at a facility overnight. A number were surprised that such places even exist.
I reacted in much the same way. The thought of having to leave Emma at a daycare at random hours of the day or even overnight makes me so sad — and yet this article reminded me that this is reality for a lot of people. It leaves me feeling speechless. And a little helpless too.
When My Mom Was an Astronaut | Jennifer Peepas
Think of all the choices and the entire chain reaction of events that first brought you face to face with the person you love the most in the world. He wrote to you on that dating site, and you wrote back, and circumstances led you both to be there at the same time in the first place. And then, you caught this bus and not that one. You were late but he waited for you. Now go back further. His parents met, and after they did, that cell collided with this one. And your parents did the same for you. And so on and so forth, backward and forward through time, infinitely, forever. How tempting it is to think there is some force, guiding us irrevocably toward the people or places that will make us happy. How close we come to never existing at all.
I agree that the 24-hour daycare idea can be surprising at first. And yet, that’s what any single parent might have needed during shuttle flights or sims (or, goodness, ISS still today). I never did have a schedule conflict, but there were enough times that Blake was out of town that the idea did occur to me….
Yeah I think people forget when they are at an ER at 1 am with their sick kid where the kids of all the doctors and nurses are; or a late night movie; etc.
Geez, now I feel even more ridiculous because I didn’t even think about those two — flight controllers or doctors. The article was focused on those who have to work blue collar jobs, but there are definitely jobs across the spectrum that face the same issues.