It’s October! Yaaaaaay! One of my favorite months! Here’s what I plan to get up to…
Have some fall fun! Here are just some of the things happening in the Houston area this month: pumpkin patches, hayrides, fall festivals, the Bayou City Art Festival, Halloween (duh), and the Wings Over Houston airshow. (Ok the airshow is technically November, but close enough.) There is fall fun to be had, and I plan to have it.
Run 50 miles. Yep, it worked well last month so I’m digging in for another round. I need to start focusing on half marathon training since I’m signed up for January’s Houston Half, so weekly long-ish runs should help me achieve this total.
Focus on some non-sewing creative work. I’m mostly done with the furious quilt-making of the last two months and to be honest, I’m feeling a bit of quilt burn-out. I know it won’t last long, but in the meantime it’s a good opportunity for me to indulge in some other creative pursuits. I’d like to 1) finish and post my Offset Stripe quilt pattern on Craftsy, 2) complete the pattern design class I signed up for months ago on Skillshare, and 3) enter one of Spoonflower’s weekly design contests.
Clean up the home office. As the papers and other ephemera pile up, the office gets desperate for some one-on-one attention. This is a recurring goal in my life, and it’s time for another round.
You know what makes me sad that is not on your October fun list? The Ballunar Festival.
Sad face indeed.