Jul 20 – 2 mile walk with Jose & Emma
Jul 21 –
Jul 22 – 2.7 treadmill miles
Jul 23 –
Jul 24 –
Jul 25 –
Jul 26 –
Jul 19 – 176.8
Jul 26 – 176.0
Somehow this week totally got away from me, and suddenly it’s Sunday again, and when it comes to running the week was pretty much a bust.
I ran on the treadmill on Tuesday since it was threatening to storm outside. I actually hadn’t used it in several weeks — since I knew my 5K would be outside, I knew that training outside would be more beneficial, and it was. But after all that time, getting back on the treadmill was pretty awful at first. I’ve always felt like I put in MORE effort on a treadmill to match my outside pace. (I hear most people say they feel like the treadmill is easier, but I’ve never felt that. Why? Who knows.)
Within 2 minutes, I was bored. I tried listening to podcasts as I’ve been doing on my outside runs, but it wasn’t helping — I was just watching the seconds tick by one by one. I was never going to last.
Finally I grabbed my iPad and started reading on the Kindle app. More importantly, I put a towel over the treadmill display so I couldn’t see the time or distance anymore. That helped a lot, and I was able to run for 30 minutes without issue.
I can never believe the treadmill is easier. It always feels harder to me.
Do you have a new goal yet?
No, I don’t have a new goal yet! Any ideas?