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I got an email at work yesterday letting me know I’ve been selected to join the Women@NASA initiative! You can go to that site to learn about all sorts of other women who work at NASA (including my friend Katie!), and I’ll be featured there at some point in the future. Fun!
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I discovered a few days ago that the A-line skirt I made myself last year doesn’t fit anymore. It was exactly the right size when I made it, but now it easily slides over my hips without even undoing the zipper and is at risk of falling off entirely. On one hand — boo, I can’t wear my skirt! But on the other hand — yay, proof that I’ve lost weight!
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While I was home with sick Emma on Monday afternoon, I decided to finally pull the trigger on a minor living room rearrangement. Emma’s table has been hanging out in the archway between our living room and entryway — partially blocking traffic — since she got it for Christmas. I moved it against the wall next to the TV, which seems to be working well so far. (The photo above isn’t the greatest, but it at least shows the new table location.)
We’d also had a foam alphabet floor mat down to form a “play area” in front of our fireplace, and I took those tiles up and put them away. It was great when she was crawling and learning to walk, but it’s not needed anymore.
Even though the living room is still a play area for sure, those two changes make it feel a lot nicer and less cluttered!
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Our trip to the pediatrician’s office last Saturday was unfortunately typical — Emma started whimpering before we even left the waiting room and then cried for the duration of the appointment. She cries as she’s being weighed and measured, cries as they take her temperature, cries when the doctor comes into the room, etc etc etc. One of the doctors there suggested after a similar appointment last year that a toy doctor’s kit might help, so on Saturday afternoon we finally picked one up at Target. We’ve been playing with it this week and talking about how the doctor helps fix boo-boos. I also ordered a Berenstein Bears book about going to the doctor to read at bedtime.
It’s probably wishful thinking to imagine that this will somehow minimize the massive freakout I’m anticipating at her 2-year checkup in a few weeks…but I can hope, right?
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I have a to-do list of 5 different quilts to make as gifts for various people, and 4 of them are needed by September. I’m going to be very busy sewing over the next 6 weeks if I have any hope of pulling this off, but I’ve gotten a good start. I have fabric in hand already for 3 of them, and have cut all the pieces for the first one. I’ve chosen (or designed) patterns that should look great but don’t involve overly complex piecing.
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As a “hooray I ran the 5K” treat to myself, I ordered a pair of Lululemon shorts. I’ve heard people rave about them and figured it was finally time to try them out. I ordered the Groove Shorts, since that’s the type of short I prefer to run in these days. They are SUPER comfortable — but alas, the inseam is about an inch shorter than what it really needs to be in order to fit my needs. (I had looked up the inseam of a pair of Champion brand shorts I wear and it said 5″, which is what the Lulu shorts are, but turns out I looked at the wrong pair. My Champion shorts have a 7″ inseam.)
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When we were in Jamaica, I bought one of those one-time-use waterproof cameras for our trip to Dunns River Falls. It’s still sitting in my purse a month later — I keep forgetting to drop it off to be developed! Hopefully I can finally get that done today.
(Linking up: 7 Quick Takes, hosted by Conversion Diary)
Isla really likes the decorative band-aids from the doctor’s office. You might play that up a bit, maybe even give her a couple even if she doesn’t get a shot.
lululemon stuff doesn’t fit me properly – at least the pants. Maybe you should get yourself a cute top instead. I really like the zip sweatshirt I bought. I wore it all winter.
Ooh, the band-aids are a good idea.
Well done on no longer fitting into the skirt. I bet you could easily alter it to fit again!
#2: I have a pair of shorts I really like that are like that.
Re the doctor–Julianna flips out over every doctor visit, even those that are not invasive or painful. In her case it was because she had so many painful invasive things done to her when she was a baby because of her heart condition and, well, blood draws. I hope the kit helps, but if it doesn’t, just know that someone up in Missouri is standing in empathetic solidarity with you. :/
Yeah, Emma is the same. She cries when they’re not even touching her! She was sick a bunch in her first year, and I think that’s part of it.