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In the last couple weeks, I’ve gotten really into podcasts. Obviously these are nothing new, but I’ve never really jumped on that bandwagon because I wasn’t sure when I’d find the time to listen to them! They require attention, like an audiobook, so it’s not like I could play them in the background while I work on other things like I do with music or sometimes TV.
I also don’t generally like to listen to things in bits, so finding time to a 30 or 60 minute podcast all at once seemed difficult. But finally I just decided to just let that go, and started listening to them in the car. When I get to work, I just stop wherever I am and pick up again on the drive home. I also tried listening during a run the other night, and that worked well too!
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Speaking of running, I am now using my phone when I run so I can use the C25K app. I bought a cheap iPhone armband from Target a few months ago but ended up returning it because my phone didn’t really fit…I think because I had it in a case, albeit a thin case. Can anyone recommend a good arm band — or other form of carrying case — for an iPhone? Ideally, I want to leave my phone in its case and just slip the whole thing into the armband.
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Apparently Wednesday was National Running Day, which I didn’t find out until after I had gone running. So whew! Close one. (Ha!)
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Last summer I made ice cream from a recipe in the Jeni’s Ice Cream book and it was really tasty. So when I found out that The Fresh Market — a small grocer that just opened a store in our area — carried Jeni’s Ice Cream, I had Jose pick up a pint. He chose brambleberry crisp, and I have to admit that it’s some of the best ice cream I’ve ever had, smooth and creamy and sweet. Yum!
But when Jose came home, he said “oh that ice cream was kind of expensive.” Turns out it was $11 for a PINT. Holy crap. That is some expensive ice cream!! So authentic Jeni’s ice cream is going to have to be a (very) occasional treat around here.
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In order to help fund the new camera body I’m still pining for, I put my 85 mm f/1.8 lens up on Ebay. The bidding is currently at $255 with a couple days to go, so it seems likely that I will get ~$300 for it, which is what I was hoping. I’m still on the fence about getting rid of my 17-40 f/4, but I’m also thinking about selling my 70-200 f/2.8. That telephoto zoom is an expensive lens, and although I used it a lot back when I was shooting races, I haven’t used it in several years. On one hand, it takes such great photos and I love it. On the other hand, it’s huge and heavy and just not really practical for me anymore.
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Three months after it should have been done, I am finally working on pulling weeds and putting down new mulch in our front flower beds. (Hopefully June isn’t too late — and if it is, just don’t tell me.) I recently realized that we’re in a window of time where it is still light enough outside to do something after Emma goes to bed, like go for a run or do a quick task in the yard. So on Tuesday, and again on Thursday, I pulled weeds and put down new mulch in a small section of the flower beds. With a few more sessions, it’ll be done!
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I’ve been off by a day all week, thinking Tuesday was Wednesday and Wednesday was Thursday, etc. Needless to say, I am happy that it is finally Friday! Have a great weekend all!
(Linking up: 7 Quick Takes, hosted by Conversion Diary)
Have you decided on a camera body yet?
I always sell my lenses on Amazon. The commission is higher, but I think there are fewer chancers buying on that site. You might consider it if you ever get tired of eBay. I had a couple bad experiences with eBay, though I still sell more obscure items there.
I haven’t decided yet. I waffle between a Rebel or the 60D — which I’m sure are both sufficient for my needs — and the 6D — just because it’s got a full-frame sensor, which has never been in my budget before (and arguably still isn’t).
I’ve been burned once by Ebay, like 10 years ago. I rarely sell anything there anymore. Do you find that they sell reasonably quickly through Amazon?