So I mentioned last week that I’ve gotten really into podcasts. Here are the three I’ve been listening to so far.
Elise Gets Crafty – This one covers crafts, creativity, blogging, and the business of it all. It sounds like a weird combination, but it works. (Or maybe I’m just weirdly interested in all of those things.) This was the one that made me decide to try a podcast (because I love her blog) and I ran through the dozen episodes she’s made so far pretty quickly.
American Patchwork and Quilting – I found this one because they did an episode back in January that included Karen Nyberg, shortly after she returned from the space station (where she did some “space quilting”). I wasn’t sure that quilting was a topic that would lend itself very well to a podcast, but I’ve enjoyed the 5 episodes I’ve listened to so far.
Another Mother Runner – I’ve listened to a couple episodes of this one on my past few runs. It doesn’t hold my attention quite as much as the first two, but that’s actually good for when I’m running — my mind can wander, and when I snap back to listening, I can pick back up with whatever topic they’re discussing. I like how this one is really only partly about running — it’s really more about life and being a mom and how running fits into that.
Anyone else out there like podcasts and have good ones to suggest? I’m obviously interested in crafts and/or sewing and running…but really I’ll listen to anything if it’s entertaining or interesting!
I like This American Life. I’ve also heard good things about Radio Lab.
I really enjoy Manic Mommies.
I think you would like Good Job Brain. Each week they explore a different topic and the hosts research and bring quizzes, interest stories and fun facts. Every 5th episode is an all quiz bonanza which is fun.