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Last week on flex Friday, I drove down to the outlet mall in Texas City, about 15 minutes from my house. I was looking forward to picking up a few new things for summer. I stopped at the Gap Factory Store first and found a couple shirts for me and one for Emma.
I waltzed up to the checkout counter and dug into my purse, only to realize that my wallet was at home in my diaper bag. I actually have my credit card number memorized (thank you, online shopping habit) but they wouldn’t take the number without the physical card.
Seriously, why haven’t we gotten to the point where I can pay with my phone yet? I can pay via phone at Starbucks. Why not everywhere?
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In somewhat related clothes-shopping news, I’m coming to terms with the fact that my most comfortable jeans are nearly worn out. They are comfortable because they are “trouser jeans” and the denim is therefore thinner than usual. And because the fabric is thinner, it’s starting to get threadbare in spots. Woe is me!
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So I still want to upgrade my dSLR. (I started thinking about this months ago.) A year ago after much internal debate, I bought the Sony NEX-5 instead of a new SLR body and I’ve been happy with that camera. I’ve found that I often choose to use it over my SLR, like on our recent Seattle trip! But here’s the catch — I choose to use the NEX only because the I’m no longer happy with the quality of my SLR in many situations.
These days, I’m usually taking photos of Emma. That means my subject is either moving, or we’re inside in a relatively low light situation. And my 10-year-old Canon 20D, which performs poorly at anything over ISO 400, can’t really keep up anymore.
In order to justify yet another camera purchase, I need to shed some photographic gear that I’m not using anymore. The only things that really hold their value are lenses. I’ve got an 85 mm f/1.8 to sell that should fetch ~$250. I’ll definitely keep my 28-135, so I’m also debating getting rid of my 17-40 f/4 which could fetch another $350ish…but man, I love that wide angle. What to do, what to do…
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This post about a “fancy” coffee-making process (from Elise Cripe, my favorite blogger at the moment) makes me want to try it myself. I always doctor my coffee with sweetened creamer, and the thought of spending 15 minutes making coffee seems annoying…but gosh, she makes straight black coffee sound good.
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Both Jose and I noticed when we were driving in Seattle that drivers there seem much calmer than here. Even on the highway, traffic flowed at a relaxing 60-65 mph instead of the roaring 80 mph that it often does here. It was refreshing, in a weird way, and made me realize how jarring driving in Houston can often be. There are some truly insane drivers around here.
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Due to a combination of factors, today is the first Friday I’ll have been at work in two months.
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When you see the stunned expressions on these kids’ faces as they realize their goals and dreams are no longer attainable because of political pressures completely out of their control, that’s when you know they’ve gained a valuable understanding of our space program.
This may just be the most I’m-laughing-so-I-don’t-cry Onion article I’ve ever read.
(Linking up: 7 Quick Takes, hosted by Conversion Diary)
That onion quote is indeed the BEST!