Musical Instruments Photographed from Inside | Bored Panda
This is a super cool series of photos used in a promotional campaign for the Berlin Philharmonic. You know, sometimes I think I’m pretty creative and other times I realize there are way more creative people out there than me!
A Eulogy for Twitter | The Atlantic
The publishing platform that carried us into the mobile Internet age is receding. Its influence on publishing will remain, but the platform’s place in Internet culture is changing in a way that feels irreversible and echoes the tradition of AIM and pre-2005 blogging.
This topic — the question of whether Twitter is in decline — came up during a meeting at work last week shortly after I’d read this article. I’ve been much less active on Twitter than I used to be; for me, the reduction began when I was on maternity leave so I can’t help but think it’s related to just not having as much time to mindlessly surf anymore. Still, I wonder if Twitter’s heyday is over?
To The Princeton Privileged Kid | Jezebel
Everyone wants to share their thoughts, opinions, and personal experiences rather than being judged based on the way they look or their demographics. So when someone says “check your privilege”, what they mean is embrace and admit that you have preconceived notions and a specific world perspective, and to set those aside for a second and just listen. You wrote this entire article because you felt judged and un-listened to simply because of who you were and where you came from. Ironically, this is exactly how those you’re railing against feel too. If you want people to listen to you – truly listen, without judgement – begin by doing the same for them.
This is a response to this op-ed by a Princeton freshman tired of being told to “check your privilege.” It’s hard for me to get too deep into this subject, recognizing that whether I realize it or not, I’ve experienced different aspects of privilege in my own life. But I think the Princeton writer missed the point of what privilege really is, and this Jezebel article responds in a reasonable (if a bit overly aggressive) way.
I love those pictures.