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Emma’s class had an Easter party at daycare yesterday. Each kid was supposed to bring their Easter basket for the egg hunt, which I forgot until about 11:00 on Wednesday night — which was problematic since Emma actually doesn’t (well, didn’t) have an Easter basket. Mom fail I guess? But come on, she’s not even 2! Anyway, that is why I was at CVS yesterday at lunch buying a cheap $2 Easter basket.
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There are a LOT of great moms at the daycare and sometimes it’s hard not to feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have my act together. For instance, the whole reason I even remembered Emma needed a basket at 11:00 on Wednesday night is because I saw another daycare mom post a picture on Facebook of these adorable little armbands she made to stuff in the eggs for her daughter’s class. (Her daughter is only 3 months older than Emma, and they were in the same room last year.)
I didn’t even know we were supposed to stuff eggs. Double mom fail!
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It was kind of a rough week at daycare in general for the whole family. On Tuesday, Emma tripped over another kid and conked her head on the floor, which warranted a phone call in the middle of the day (for a “head injury”) even though she was ok. And on Wednesday, Emma ended up with a bruise under her eye — she was apparently fighting with another kid over a toy car, and the other kid let go suddenly. SIGH.
I know this is totally typical for the age, but it’s tough teaching the concept of sharing when she never has to share anything at home! Maybe Jose and I will have to start forcing her to share with US.
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On the daycare plus side, the Easter Bunny came to visit as part of the festivities yesterday and Emma sat on his lap without freaking out! While she wasn’t as happy-go-lucky this year as she was last year, this is a vast improvement over her reaction to Santa Claus four months ago.
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And again on the plus side, tonight the daycare is hosting parent’s night out, so we’ve got dinner plans with friends to celebrate Gavin’s birthday. Yay!
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In totally unrelated news, I kind of hate my wardrobe right now and don’t know what to do about that. While I weigh the same as I did before getting pregnant with Emma, nothing really fits the same anymore. But going out and buying an entirely new wardrobe isn’t really a financially good idea. Bleh.
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On Wednesday night I finally bought plane tickets for us to go visit Katie and Joel in Seattle! We’ve been talking about it for months but we are also super duper procrastinators when it comes to actually nailing down dates and finding flights. Hopefully we’ll get to see my friend Jen as well and let our kiddos run around together. I’m excited to have a vacation to look forward to!
Don’t worry too much about the sharing – I think she is at a rough age to expect it. Matthew is horrible at sharing and he has 3 people to practice with. Actually just left mid comment because he was trying to take the whole car track off somewhere on his own.
And a basket for Matthew is on our shopping list for today. I can’t even remember what we did last year…. oh, right, I was too overwhelmed to get out the Easter box from the basement, so they all got new sand pails from the bunny instead of their normal baskets.
And there goes the car track again…
I’m looking forward to your visit!
Also I have to say this— give yourself a break about the super-moms! And really, do people really think toddlers are going to remember the cool prizes their mom made at their preschool party? So why worry about it? Also just look at the TONS of sewing, crafting, and design projects you do both for Emma and for other people. Seriously, I don’t even have kids and I am amazed at how you find time to do it all! And even if you didn’t that would be ok too.
Yay! I am excited to visit too!
Huh, I don’t even remember egg hunts when K was at daycare. And I think I only bought his basket last year because we became, uh…. obligated to attend an egg hunt with the MIL. It definitely seemed like several of the daycare events were ridiculous for the youngest kiddos…(like Halloween…whatever!)
Yeah, overall I do try not to worry too much about the events right now since it’s not like she’ll remember any of it! But I also don’t want her to be left out, ya know? Oh, mom guilt…