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Our new Camry has a fancy-pants keyless entry — as in, as long as the key is within a couple feet of the car door (say in a pocket or a purse), the door unlocks as soon as you grasp the handle. The car also starts with a pushbutton, so the keys can stay in that pocket or purse. Basically, I never have to get out the keys to operate the car.
So of course now it seems like soooo much of a hassle to have to dig out the keys to unlock the front door when I get home. Can I have a proximity unlock sensor installed on my house? I’d like to say I’m kidding…but I’m not. Not entirely.
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We suffered through a few more days of temperatures in the 30s earlier this week and can I just say that after more than a decade in Houston, I think I have truly, officially, finally lost any and all cold tolerance I may have once had? Because I’m freezing. And the fact that NASA is incapable of adequately heating my building only exacerbates the freezing-ness.
Can the cold weather be over now please?
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In less whiny news, it’s rodeo time in Houston! Yee haw! Last week one group of trail riders came through JSC and stopped by the daycare, where I’m told that Emma was brave enough to pet one of the horses. We’re going to head into town tomorrow for some family fun and I can’t wait. Fried Oreos and cute baby animals, here we come.
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Other tentative weekend plans include getting some work done in the front flower bed now that the afore-mentioned near-freezing weather is gone again (and probably for good). I also need to trim the crepe myrtle in the background, and cut back the hibiscus bushes in hopes that the roots are still alive and will bounce back.
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Annnnd of course no weekend would be complete these days without some sewing or crafting. I have two projects in the works that are nearly done — an activity case for myself that I plan to use for my cross stitch stuff and a baby quilt — and I’m hoping to finish both before Monday.
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[iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/OC83NA5tAGE” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen]
I haven’t actually seen Frozen yet — so sad, since I hear it’s so good! — but I came across this video of “Let It Go” in 25 different languages. It’s really cool the way they put it together to be seamless, and I couldn’t help but be amazed at the quality of all the different singers Disney recruited to make the film available in languages worldwide.
It also made me pause and think about the sheer logistics that must go into making movies — much of it AFTER all the animation is done, which in and of itself is a massive undertaking.
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And speaking of random songs, a new episode of Glee showed up on my Tivo last week so I had it on in the background a few days ago while I was cross stitching. I’ve totally lost track of any reasonable story line that show may have once had, but I did really like their version of Sara Bareilles’s “Brave.”
[iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/oXUFNIC_SxY?rel=0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen]
(Linking up: 7 Quick Takes, hosted by Conversation Diary)
I know what you mean about keys! I hate digging mine out of my purse, especially since our apartment building has two sets of doors. Not a hard task, but uggggh.