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I took away two lessons from being sick (again) last week. The first? Get more sleep. We all know how well THAT will go. But second? Wear more leggings. I have two pairs of them but rarely wear them. On a whim, I pulled them on last week and oh man! Why do I not lounge around the house in leggings more often? They are so comfy! Even comfier than pajama pants!
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As we figure out what to get to replace my Xterra, I’m debating what to do with the Xterra itself. I haven’t gotten a quote from any dealers on what they think the trade-in value is, but I’m assuming it will be very low. It’s almost 10 years old — although at just shy of 90,000 miles, its fairly low for its age. There are no major mechanical issues. BUT it has some significant body damage on the left front bumper. The damage has been there for almost 3 years so clearly it doesn’t affect driving, but it looks pretty ugly.
Back when it happened, I got an estimate of $800-$900 to repair it. If I sell the car myself as is, I could probably get $2,000-$3,000 for it. Without the body damage, I think I could get more like $4,000. In other words, I’d almost certainly get the cost of the repair back plus some, but then I have to deal with getting it repaired and the hassle that comes with that. What to do, what to do…
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In my blog surfing, I came across this post about “how to make your workout wear work doubletime.” Is there anyone who can actually do this? Have a serious workout and then saunter off to brunch without needing to shower — or, at minimum, change clothes? Do these people not sweat? I have never understood this concept.
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Because I know you are all interested, here is a list of newly-discovered Emma-approved foods (at least until she changes her mind):
- Tortillas. Why had we not given her tortillas before? I have no idea.
- Taco-seasoned ground beef. I wasn’t sure she’d go for the spice, but I guess it’s in her blood.
- Pasta noodles with a bit of marinara sauce. She used to spit out tomato sauce. Now? Scarfs it down.
- Broccoli. She’s eaten it half-heartedly in the past, but it’s now her favorite vegetable.
- Salmon. We tried it before only to have her spit it out; finally tried it again and she ate it all.
The only negative is that we’re pretty sure tomato sauce is the culprit behind some pretty nasty diaper rash. Fun times.
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I finished the December 2013 Lucky Stars block on Tuesday evening after picking up a new roll of white thread. I really like the colors I chose for this one, but my paper piecing wasn’t very good this time — lots of wonky spots to be seen, and I had a devil of a time sewing over some of the spots where several pieces of fabric came together. Still, overall I like it.
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I got about 6 inches of hair lopped off a few weeks ago and it now falls just above my shoulders. It’s been many years since I’ve had it quite this short, and my complaints in the past were always that 1) things got too frizzy/poofy when short and 2) I couldn’t pull it into a ponytail. But I decided to go for it again anyway — and I love it! The texture of my hair has actually changed a little over the last 10 years and frizz/poof isn’t quite as much of an issue anymore. And not being able to do a ponytail hasn’t been as much of an annoyance as I’d anticipated. Yay!
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Today is a superflex Friday for me, and Monday is a federal holiday. Hellooooo 4-day weekend!
(Linking up: 7 Quick Takes, hosted by Conversation Diary)
My boss came to an office happy hour at Boondoggles once after jogging three miles from her house in a beautiful color-coordinated work out outfit – complete with a matching pink head band – and didn’t seem to have broken a sweat. Some people are just super-human compared to the rest of us.
I found that article so amusing/ridiculous that I couldn’t even read the whole thing. But, in chilly winter temps and low mileage, I definitely do not notice sweat like we’re used to in Houston. So, perhaps, if their idea of a workout is a mile slow jog in chilly temps and then a couple crunches and a set of bicep curls…. Eh, sure, it could work.