Dec 16 –
Dec 17 –
Dec 18 – 2.5 mile treadmill run
Dec 19 –
Dec 20 – 3.1 mile run
Dec 21 –
Dec 22 – 3.1 mile run
Dec 15 – 181.2
Dec 22 – 178.8
This was my first week with 3 runs in quite a while — so hurrah! And Friday was my first run outside since November 3. Crazy. It’s nice to have a treadmill but dang, running outside is so much nicer.
I started the 30-day plank challenge I mentioned on Friday. I did 20 seconds on Wednesday and then on Friday morning, since I forgot on Thursday night. Then I forgot again yesterday, so I did 30 seconds this morning. Obviously this is going really well. (Har har.) Today I set a reminder on my phone, so hopefully I won’t forget any more days.
I’m decided not to do the half marathon next month. A few weeks ago I was still jazzed about it, despite losing a month of running thanks to mono, just to be out there and enjoy the race atmosphere even if I walked most of it. But my enthusiasm waned, so this week I sold my bib and now a friend of a friend will be running as “Sarah.”
Sigh. I just want to feel like I have a shot at actually being prepared for a race again someday.
That’s against policy. You know this. Disappointed.
I know so many people who have done it that believe it or not, that thought hadn’t crossed my mind until you mentioned it. Of course you are right. Hmm.