Oct 28 –
Oct 29 –
Oct 30 –
Oct 31 –
Nov 1 –
Nov 2 –
Nov 3 – 4.5 mile run
Oct 27 – 187.4
Nov 3 – 186.0
When I don’t have many workouts to mention, I feel guilty even posting this. What is the point? What am I trying to prove by writing about what I did (or DIDN’T) do? When I started back in February/March, it was because of my mile-a-day goal. Eventually I set that aside in favor of getting back into running, but if I’m only running 1-2 days per week, is it really fair to saying I’m “getting back into” it? I’m making middling progress towards upping my distances enough to survive the half marathon in January, but it’ll likely be my slowest half ever, since I’m not doing anywhere close enough to improve that outcome. And I’m clearly not making progress in the weight loss department either, because I haven’t really buckled down and tried.
I’m great at making plans. I’m not so good at execution.
So again — what’s the point?
I don’t really know, but I do know I’m tired of feeling guilty about the workouts I didn’t do. Life is busy and I have limited free time. (And so is everyone else, right? I get that.) Perhaps it’s time for me to face facts and admit to myself that workouts just are not high enough on my priority list to make them happen more than once or twice per week. That some nights I really do just want to sew or cook or watch TV instead of getting on the treadmill, and that’s ok, and I don’t have to feel conflicted about it. It would be easier if running was my one big thing…but it’s not. It’s one of a zillion hobbies and interests.
And I am slowly starting to realize that this phase of my life won’t last forever. Most of the other runners and triathletes I know who are able to maintain busy training and racing schedules have older kids. They don’t usually have toddlers. Emma will get older and won’t need constant supervision. I’ll be able to run while she is awake and coloring, or reading, or playing a game, or she’ll be able to ride her bike in front of me as I follow on foot.
Or maybe she won’t.
Or maybe she will, but I’ll discover that I’d rather color or read or play WITH her instead of running.
One of the biggest things I’ve had to learn — and am still learning! — since Emma was born is that I can’t do everything. I can’t even do everything I did before. My life is not the same, and my priorities have to shift, and all of that is TOTALLY NORMAL AND TOTALLY OK. And it will happen again. I will probably have a second kid someday, and I’ll have to figure out how to handle two, and they’ll get older, and they’ll start doing activities, and they’ll go to school…and life will change again and again and again.
But you know…I’ve been running for almost 12 years. It’s not like it’s going anywhere. It’ll be there when I’m ready again. And heck…it’s there now, even if it’s only once per week.
I happened to come across coverage of the New York City Marathon this morning while channel flipping. I didn’t even know the race was today, but I started watching…and I wanted to be there. Old Houston running bloggers friend Christy did a half ironman today and when I saw her post on Facebook…I thought about how I’d like to do another someday. Tri club friend Donna registered for IM Florida 2014…and I wondered if I’ll ever do a full Ironman. It’s on my bucket list.
So who knows.
I’ve felt the same about my photography. Beating myself up for not doing it like I used to and then reminding myself that sometimes life changes, interests change and priorities change. Glad to get reminders like this.
It’s hard, right? As you know, I was also really into photography once upon a time, and that interest has died down. Weirdly, I don’t feel guilty for not taking photos like I used to. But there’s something about running specifically, and the way it’s tied to my personal health and fitness, that makes me beat myself up about it over and over again! We all need to remind ourselves that things change and that’s ok!
Emma is small, enjoy it! I squeezed in a few marathons after Riley was born, then realized that the time commitment was just too much with a little one. It took me 5 years before I felt ready to train for another one. I did do some halfs during that time, but I don’t have the other hobbies that you do. (And it wasn’t until last year when my kids were 4 and 7 that I decided to buckle down and get back to my pre-pregnancy weight!) Do what makes YOU happy! You’re right, the running will always be there. The 1/2 ironman and ironman races will always be there. I aspire to do an IM, too (I can’t let Joseph be the only one!). But, at the same time I know the time that it requires to train for it. I’m not sure I am willing to give up that time with Joseph and the kiddos right now!
Thanks Christy! I’m totally in awe of how you pulled of a 70.3 training schedule in the middle of your already busy work and family life. Congrats again on your finish!