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Remember how last week I said I went to the doctor because I’ve been feeling run down and achy for 2+ weeks? They drew blood and tested for various things including mono, to which I was all “ok, sounds good, but really, what adult gets mono?” So they called back on Tuesday with results…
Yeah, I have mono.
While I’m happy to at least have an explanation for why I’ve been feeling like crud whenever I forget to take some Advil, I’m also just really irritated. It could take 6-8 weeks for the virus to run its course, and the only thing I can do is rest and wait it out. The good news is that it’s passed via contact, so everyone I’ve been around in the past several weeks should be fine since they can’t catch it from, say, sitting next to me. (That also means I can basically go on with my normal life as long as I feel up to it.)
But Jose’s been exposed because yes, I kiss my husband. And Emma has probably been exposed because I kiss her cheeks, sometimes give her food using a hand I’ve licked, and she likes to feed me sometimes thus putting her hands all in my mouth. I called her pediatrician, and the other good news is that when little kids get it, the symptoms are usually mild or not even noticeable, and it tends to only last for days instead of weeks like in adults.
Seriously. Mono. What the heck.
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We had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday with Jose’s family. It’s hard to believe that a year ago, Emma spent the holiday getting passed from person to person and napping in laps. This year she spend the day running around the house and generally having a grand old time.
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Jose and I noticed a few months ago that our a/c system didn’t seem to always respond to the thermostat in our kitchen. With the most recent cold snap earlier this week, we realized that the heat doesn’t respond either — and it’s no longer an intermittent problem, but a permanent one. I called a local HVAC place on Monday but they weren’t available until this coming Tuesday. I guess it’s a good thing we have two units! The one that works heats our bedrooms, but enough warm air flows into the living room that it stayed warm enough during our several days in the 40s earlier this week.
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When I was growing up, we had this great Advent calendar that my mom would hang up at the beginning of December. Each day had a little rolled-up piece of paper tied to a ring, and each morning we got to open that day’s roll to find out what it contained. Sometimes it would say something like “see Mom for a treat,” and she’d have something tasty for each of us. There would be fun activities like watching A Charlie Brown Christmas on TV or reading The Polar Express. At some point, it would say “go get the Christmas tree tonight” and we’d all cheer. On Christmas Eve, it always said “open one present before bed.”
I really want to make one for Emma, but realize that trying to finish her stocking will be plenty, and she’s really not old enough for an Advent calendar yet anyway. She might not even be old enough next year. Maybe 2015?
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Yesterday morning while hanging out before heading to Thanksgiving lunch, we watched a bunch of Modern Family episodes thanks to a marathon they were running on TV. I’ve never watched that show but it was pretty funny! I’ll have to add it to the tivo list.
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This morning though, we’re watching Clash of the Titans on TV, and I think it’s safe to say I wasn’t really missing out by not seeing it.
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I saw all of our shoes piled up this morning and couldn’t resist taking a photo. We got the little black sparkly mary janes for Emma at Target and I am in love with them.
(Linking up: 7 Quick Takes, hosted by Conversation Diary)
Modern Family is one of the few shows Joel and I always watch. Hilarious.
Hope you feel better soon. Drink lots of gatorade!
Wow, that sucks. Hope you feel better soon.