Jul 1 – 1.6 mile treadmill walk
Jul 2 –
Jul 3 –
Jul 4 – 1.3 mile walk with Jose and Emma
Jul 5 – 1.4 mile walk with Jose and Emma
Jul 6 – 2.5 mile treadmill run
Jul 7 –
So. It’s time to decide what I’m really trying to accomplish with this mile-a-day thing. Clearly the idea of not missing any days is no longer as motivating as it was back in February and March — and my goals are different now too:
ONE. I want a decent showing at the Houston Half Marathon in January.
TWO. I want to lose 15 pounds in order to be back at my pre-baby weight.
Walking a mile every day is great, but that alone is not going to do me any good when it comes to accomplishing those two goals. Starting next week, my weekly mile-a-day post disappears and will be replaced by a half marathon training/weight loss update. Here I go!
SO glad to see you post this! I have to agree; whats the point of a mile a day? Its not going to do anything honestly. ESPECIALLY if you are wanting to drop pounds.
I tried for years to drop weight, after many crash diets and exercising plans, I only was able to drop weight when I changed my eating. It’s rough, I love to eat. I started to juice in the mornings, took out the grains, sugars and dairy mostly (paleo), I lost weight. And only exercised 3-4 times a week for 30 mins. Of course, I’ve slowly brought back grains and sugar, so I’m not losing anymore, but I know what I have to do at least. Thanks for sharing!