I’ll post about my July goals tomorrow. In the meantime, here’s how I did with my June goals.
This month can be summed up by simply saying that the first two weeks were good, and the last two weeks were bad as far as my goals were concerned. But the things that kept me busy the last two weeks — a fun visit from my parents and then a week spent at the beach — were great!
Touch up the paint in the dining room, bonus room and kitchen. I hit the dining room and bonus room, but didn’t do the kitchen. Still, two outta three ain’t bad! I’ll post a few photos later this week.
Participate in 30 Days of Creativity. Done! 100% successful! I did something — even if it was tiny — every single day. You can read my weekly summaries (1, 2, 3, 4) if you want to remind yourself what I did. (Hint: lots of cross stitch with some other fun things thrown in!)
Make a will. I contacted someone to help us with this and she returned my email, but I neglected to follow up after that. I called her earlier today to pick it up again, so I’ll give myself half credit.
Walk a mile each day. I was successful for the first half of the month, but failed when things got busy/fun. Another half credit score for me here.
Redesign this blog. In work, and I hope to finish over the upcoming long holiday weekend.
Finish up May’s goals. Ha! I’m developing quite the goal backlog, right? I did successfully schedule a regular cleaning service — I called someone a friend recommended and set up a test run, and they did a fantastic job. They’ll now be coming every other week. Happy happy joy joy!! As for the others, I didn’t fully complete but DID continue to make progress on cleaning my office, making a wedding photo album, and writing Emma’s birth story.