I mentioned a while ago that one of my goals for the spring was to take Emma to some swimming lessons. At her age, of course, lessons are really just “lessons,” with emphasis on the air quotes — they’re not learning how to swim, but just getting used to the water. Last night we had our first class at a local swim academy. It was a nice little place with two pools and plenty of places to sit and hang out or watch other lessons.
I got Emma all ready to go with a swim diaper and her cute new purple swimsuit and we cautiously stepped in. She likes bathtime a lot and I was pretty confident she would like the pool, but you never know. After just a couple minutes of looking a little uncertain, she made her decision: she LOVES the swimming pool. Like, seriously LOVES it. She splashed, she waved her arms, she kicked her legs, and generally had a grand old time. We’ll see how it goes next week when the teacher puts her face in the water for the first time, but for now? She’s a fan.
Jose came along too and since only one parent is allowed in the pool, he took a lot of pictures. Yes, I am totally posting photos that include me in a bathing suit on the internet. THAT’S how much I want you all to see how cute my kid is.
It was awesome and totally made my day to see Emma having so much fun. Can’t wait for next time!
These are too cute, Sarah!!
She is so adorable and you can see how much she loves the water. Olympics 2028 here Emma comes!
That’s my little fish Emma! Love the pictures and that she loves the water!!