Time // 9:55 a.m.
Place // Sitting at my desk. My desk at home, that is, with Emma on my lap. She got sent home from daycare yesterday for throwing up and can’t go back until lunchtime today. (She has not thrown up again and I have my doubts about whether it was actually throw up or just spit up. Sigh.)
Eating // Nothing. I did have a bowl of cereal earlier, but I caught at least a touch of the stomach bug Emma has been fighting and haven’t really felt like eating much this week.
Drinking // Water. I had coffee earlier but only finished about half of it. This is unusual; reference previously mentioned stomach bug.
Watching // The mailwoman sorting mail into the boxes across the street.
Reading // Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg. Yes, the one that keeps getting talked about on the news. I’m only a couple chapters in but enjoying it so far.
Wanting // A healthy baby. Seriously. Germs leave my house. PRETTY PLEASE.
Thinking // About getting a new camera. I take probably 90% of my photos these days with my iPhone, and I’d like to do a better job of getting some high quality pictures. But I’ve finally reached the point where I often find my dSLR to be too bulky and too much of a hassle. I know there are several options out there that didn’t exist a few years ago — stuff that walks the line between full-up SLR and standard point-and-shoot, but I haven’t done any real research to know which might work best for me. I was thinking this might make a good birthday present, but I don’t even what the price range is. Anybody got suggestions?
Creating // Over the weekend I made a little decoration for the door to Emma’s room. I’ll post pictures after I put the final touches on it sometime soon. Other than that, I’m suffering from the paralysis of having too many projects I want to try. I need to just pick one and go with it…otherwise I’ll never start any of them.
Hoping // For no more Emma vomit. The stomach bug has basically dominated my entire life for almost two weeks now and it is getting REALLY OLD.
Needing // A nap. For a while, I had gotten really good about being in bed or at least on my way there by 10:30 every night. The work-related business of February threw me off but I need to get back in that habit. I feel like there are a lot of highs and lows in my life right now, and I have to make sleep a priority if I want to keep an even keel.
Anticipating // A little bit of downtime this weekend. Jose’s mom and brother are coming up for the weekend so we’ll have two sets of extra hands — and a babysitter to watch Emma while we go on a date night!
Poor little thing – I hope you guys feel better soon.
Regarding the camera, you know I’m kind of obsessed with the mirrorless cameras. I think they’re great as long as you’re not trying to do sports photography. I think you could probably even photograph the road races like you used to, but they’re not a great choice for say, soccer or basketball.
Anyway, currently, I think the best options are those that have the same size sensor as the standard DSLR. I think your choices there are Sony or Canon. Canon’s first camera of that type, the EOS M, was panned for a variety of reasons. I’ll consider getting their next camera, but right now, I think Sony is the best option on the market.
I do love my GF1. I’d consider a GX1 from Panasonic as well if I were you and you want something small. It’s less than $400 body only at the moment. However, the sensor is smaller, and I think the larger sensor is a better choice. (When I bought mine, Sony was still going through growing pains.)
One other thought is that I personally find I almost always use my fixed 20 mm (equiv 40 mm) lens these days. It might be worth considering a large sensor, non-interchangeable lens camera. The problem is that these tend to be a bit slower, and I personally have no patience for delay when I’m trying to take a picture. This issue exists in the mirrorless cameras as well, but it’s on a different scale than with the point-and-clicks. Even the higher end point-and-clicks seem to have delay issues, at least according to Amazon reviews.
If you’ve got money to burn, I love the look of the Sony Nex 6, Nex 7 series. Personally, I’m holding off waiting for Canon’s next camera. (My Panasonic has not handled my rough treatment as well as my trusty Canon 20D, so I’m kind of in the market for a new camera too.)