Already looking like a surly teenager
Time // 5:49 p.m.
Place // Sitting at the island in the kitchen at home.
Eating // Double Fudge Oreo Crunch Cookies that I made a few days ago. They are very yummy.
Drinking // Nothing.
Watching // Emma sleeping in her carseat. She fell asleep on the drive home so I just left her in there for now.
Reading // The packet of info we got today from the JSC Childcare Center. I was just whining to a few friends about the wait list last week — Erin’s son is already in the infant room and she’d told me there were a couple kids old enough to move up to the next classroom in January. Emma was (in a round-about way) first on the waiting list, yet I hadn’t heard anything. So I traded a few emails with the director and then resigned myself to the thought that Emma probably wouldn’t get in until August. (The center does one major enrollment per year to coincide with the public school calendar, so openings during the rest of the year are slim.)
But today I got a call from the director saying a spot opened up last minute! Or rather, someone who’d accepted decided not to start in January after all. Their loss is our gain, so hooray! Emma will start there on January 2. I’m actually kinda sad to be leaving our current daycare because they’ve done a great job and I have no complaints. But the JSC center feels more like a school than a daycare, which I also like a lot. And obviously I’m super excited that Emma will be onsite at work for the next several years.
Wanting // The snot in my head to clear. I’ve been congested for two weeks now. It’s getting really old.
Thinking // About my never-ending to-do list.
Creating // A toy for Emma. I bought the materials yesterday and I’m going to sew it up tonight.
Hoping // For cooler weather. It was 80 degrees and humid today! Ridiculous!
Needing // To finish my Christmas shopping. I know. I’m pathetic.
Anticipating // Christmas vacation! Only one more day of work to go!
Jen M says
Brook mentioned to me that she was really glad to be able to offer you a spot. Yay for getting in!
saroy says
Yay indeed! I’m excited.