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Last Friday, some members of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) entry, descent and landing (EDL) team were at JSC to talk about their experience. Like most of NASA’s robotic probes and rovers, MSL was really a JPL project so most of the team was in California. But my friend Gavin was also an integral member of the EDL team over the many years MSL was being planned, since the entry guidance was based on Apollo’s entry guidance, and the expertise for that was here at JSC! So he was on the panel too for the discussion. Go Gavin!
I’ve been a bad blogger lately. Now that I have a kid, does that automatically make me a mommy blogger? Maybe I should get “Mom Blogging for Dummies,” which I spotted at Barnes and Noble last weekend. Yep, I guess there really is a book for everything!
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This is what Emma looks like after her last feeding of the night. These days, she’s on a pretty solid schedule and eats 6 times per day. She wakes up at 7 am and eats every 3 hours between then and 7 pm. We put her in her crib around 8 pm, often still awake, and she is amazingly good at falling asleep on her own. We change her diaper and give her a final “dream feed” at 10:30-11 pm, but she barely wakes up for that — and even if the diaper change wakes her, she falls back asleep by the time she finishes her bottle. Then she sleeps till morning! It is pretty awesome, and I am SO very thankful she is a good sleeper so far.
We’ve gotten in the habit of skyping with my parents on Sunday evenings. The computer screen really holds Emma’s attention and apparently my mom is hilarious — last week in the middle of talking, Emma let out her first real belly laugh. It was adorable, and Jose and I spent all week trying to make her laugh like that again with no success. Last night? As soon as she saw Grandmama on the computer screen, she let loose with a huge belly laugh!
Yesterday Emma was rocking a floral top with striped leggings — so fashion forward of her! Baby clothing sizes are the weirdest. That floral “shirt” she’s wearing is actually a newborn-sized dress. It’s too short to be worn as a dress anymore but otherwise it totally still fits her, even as a 90th percentile 3.5-month-old. She seems to be in a weird spot right now, as many of her 3-month clothes are getting tight but a lot of 6-month items are still too big.
And other stuff:
Jose was sick yesterday and stayed home from work today still feeling a little ill. I went to work feeling totally fine, but between 2:00 and 5:00 I got achier and achier. I crashed for 1.5 hours on the couch after I got home (thankfully Jose is feeling better and could entertain Emma) and still feel icky. So far Emma seems fine and I really REALLY hope things stay that way, especially because we are planning to drive to Corpus on Wednesday night for Thanksgiving. Thinking healthy thoughts…