(Lunch at the Olive Garden; snug in the Moby wrap; stretching out on the couch)
Yesterday I took Emma to work! It was her first official visit to JSC and I had a lot of fun introducing her to my coworkers and managers. When we were getting into the car to head over there, I somehow slammed the car door into my forehead. I’m still not sure exactly how I managed to do that, but let me just say: OUCH. I went back into the house, grabbed a cold soda, and pressed it to my head because I was scared I’d get a big ol’ goose egg. Nothing happened, and it’s not even bruised — just sore to the touch.
Sigh. I think I need to get a little more sleep before I injure myself any more!
(She wants to be an astronaut; twisted around in her crib; cute baby feet)
I’m debating how much to attempt some scheduling with Emma at this point, with my return to work looming in the very near future. We haven’t pushed anything so far, and she’s been doing so well on her own! She’s been waking up only once per night for a whole week now. The issue is that her wakeup is around 4 a.m. after going to bed around 7:30. Since I know she can go 8 hours between feedings at least once at night now, I’m tempted to wake her up around 11 p.m. and feed her once more — and then, in theory, she’d sleep until 7 a.m. But I’m definitely hesitant to mess with the schedule she’s developed on her own, since it works too.
Still, the idea of her sleeping from 11-7 hangs out there like a carrot on a stick. I want it. I want it bad.
(On a walk in the Baby Bjorn; chilling shirtless on the couch)
We took several family outings last weekend to eat and run errands. On Sunday, one of our stops was World Market. We left with 8 items — all food-related, and all either pumpkin or chocolate. This pumpkin spice cookie mix was awesome, although be warned that the icing is brown, not white as depicted on the box! Brown cookie plus brown icing wasn’t the prettiest, but who really cares when they are so tasty.
This weekend promises to be fun as well. We’re going to take Emma to the Bayou City Art Festival, since Jose and I have been for the last several years now and always enjoy it. Hopefully Emma will like the outing too — wish us luck!
Some of these pictures are just ridiculously cute. I love her facial expressions. In the top one on the right, she’s doing the wrinkly forehead thing just like you do.