Emma in the BOB! (She’ll be able to sit in it without the carseat in a few more weeks.)
I got the ok from my OB to start exercising again last week, exactly 6 weeks after Emma was born and 4 months before the Houston Half Marathon on January 13. I signed up for the lottery with a bunch of my coworkers, and we got in — so let the training begin!
I have REALLY low expectations for the race in January. The course is open for 4 hours, and you have to be able to maintain 13:45/mile pace for the first 9 miles, so when we signed up, I did so with the comfort of knowing that in the worst case scenario I can walk most of the course and still stay ahead of the time limit. But of course I’d like to do at least a LITTLE better than that! A realistic goal time is probably somewhere between 2:30 and 2:45, significantly slower than my PR of 2:09:30. Still, despite my talk of times, my only goal is really just to finish my 8th Houston Half and have a good time at my first post-baby half marathon.
I’ve done 3 runs in the last 10 days and while it’s been tough (and hot!), it feels GREAT to be back out there running for the first time since November 30. I’ve also taken Emma on 3 walks, so I’ve gotten some sort of exercise on 6 of 10 days. I can’t take Emma running until she’s 6-9 months old, which is a bummer. (The number depends on who you ask, so I figure I’ll reassess when she hits the 6 month mark.)
Overall, my goal for the rest of maternity leave is to run 3 times a week and walk with Emma on as many of the other days as possible. Once I’m back at work, I’ll reassess based on how much free time I’ve got but I hope to still manage 3 days a week. Maybe that’s optimistic. We’ll see.
I’m starting with a 2/2 run/walk. Somewhat surprisingly, I can still maintain the same basic just-under-11:00/mile pace as before and it doesn’t feel too bad, but there’s no denying that I REALLY need the walk breaks right now. It’s been a long time since I took 10 months off from running — and by “long time” I mean the last time I went that long without running was before I ever STARTED running — so I’m not entirely sure what the best way is to get back into it. I know a run/walk will be essential for a while. I’ve heard good things about the Couch to 5K program, but obviously I need to work up to 13.1 miles, not 3.1. I found a few plans online but they usually require more than the 15 weeks I have. Still, I should be able to modify one well enough to work for me.
Away I go!
I still don’t understand (and largely ignored) the “no running with baby until 6 months” thing. If the kid is in the carseat attached to the Bob, that seems less bouncy than driving around in the car. So both of mine started going for Bob runs by 2 or 3 months. The only sucky part or super-extra-fun-training depending on your point of view is running while pushing 30+ pounds of stroller and baby that acts as a sail in the wind.
How exciting. Good for you!
We started running with baby between six and seven months. I figure if you’re running at 10 mpm pace or slower on a smoothish surface, there is no possible way that it can be hazardous for a 6 month old baby. If you’re running at 5:30 pace cross country, maybe more caution is warranted, but I doubt that’s in your plans. Stroller companies have to come up with a one-size-fits-all guideline that will protect them from lawsuits. We asked our pediatrician about this, and she didn’t see any reason not to run with Isla at 5 months.
I agree with Nujoud about the heavy stroller and baby! I have found it MUCH harder running pushing Isla. I actually still have not run 3 miles consecutively with her in the stroller.
I found run/walking in half mile increments worked well for me. I started with a half mile run followed by a half mile walk and built up from there.
Good for you for targeting the half! I’m excited for you. I’m actually considering doing a half this winter (before I go back to work in February), but I may just try and target a “fast” 10K. We’ll see.