Emma’s been doing a lot of this today — sleeping soundly, save for waking up long enough to eat every 3-4 hours. This is totally fine, even welcome, but it does make me wary of what might happen tonight! She’s been doing pretty well at night except for a notable 2-hour period from about 10:00 to midnight yesterday when she apparently cried basically non-stop. I didn’t witness it because Jose had volunteered to take a shift while I grabbed a couple hours of sleep. When I got up at midnight, he was about at the end of his rope. And of course Emma chose that moment to finally settle down. (Well actually, she chose about 5 minutes prior to my wake-up call.) Poor Jose!
Love those chicken legs! And love that little outfit!
I wish I had more to blog about, but the days are slow, yet fast, and calm, yet busy. I wrote about how productive I was on Tuesday, but then I countered with a completely lazy yesterday and today. That’s life, right? It’s already 3:00 and I’ve yet to take a shower, which is actually the first time I’ve gotten this far into the day without one. (And since she’s been sleeping most of the day, I really have no excuse!) Yesterday Emma spent more time awake, and at one point I decided to prop her up in the corner of the couch as seen above. She looked a little unsure but let’s face it — that’s basically the same expression she makes for everything these days. As long as it’s not the “I’m about to cry” face, I assume she’s fairly content.
Let’s see, what else? Recipe club on Tuesday night was fun. The theme this month was freezer meals, so I made a Martha Stewart recipe for Baked Penne with Chicken and Sun-Dried Tomatoes. It made two baking dishes so one of them is indeed in our freezer to be eaten sometime in the future. It turned out well, although I agree with a couple of the commenters who said it was good but a little bland. The only seasonings in it are salt, pepper and garlic, so next time I might try adding a few more flavorful things. More sun-dried tomatoes would be good, I think, along with some basil or other Italian seasonings.
I’ve been trying to catch up on all the items in my Google Reader (which is basically a lost cause at this point) so I’ve been reading a lot of blogs. I’ve noticed a lot of bloggers starting to talk about how it’s the end of summer, and fall is almost here. I guess I get it, with kids going back to school and all. And certainly in other parts of the country, Labor Day and the beginning of September do signify the beginning of a change in the weather and a change in the seasons. But in Houston? Not so much. Like I’ve already said, I’m just waiting for the day it’s cool enough to take Emma for a walk in the middle of the day! The end of summer for us is still at least a solid 4 (or more) weeks away.
I love the first photo. So cute. Can’t wait to meet her.
P.S. It’s 70 and sunny here and I have a great idea. You guys can move here in the summers if Joel and I can live with you from about November to April each year.